Sistani Endorses Religious Candidates 19 Iraqi Soldiers Killed Guerrillas near the town of Adhaim, northeast of Baghdad, mounted a coordinated ambush of Iraqi troops on Saturday, killing 19 and wounding 4. The Bush administration ties US troop withdrawals from Iraq to the ability of the new Iraqi army to deal with the guerrillas itself. More […]
How Bush Created Theocracy In Iraq My
How Bush Created a Theocracy in Iraq My article, “How Bush Created a Theocracy in Iraq, is now up at It begins, “The Bush administration naively believed that Iraq was a blank slate on which it could inscribe its vision for a remake of the Arab world. Iraq, however, was a witches’ brew of […]
18 Gis Killed In 72 Hours Anti Prison
18 GIs killed in 72 Hours Anti-Prison Demonstrations in Baghdad From Wednesday to Friday, guerrillas in Iraq killed 18 US troops. The most tragic single incident came on Friday, when guerrillas used old Baath rocket parts to make an enormous bomb that killed 10 Marines near Fallujah and wounded 11. CNN points out that Marine […]
Guerrillas Gather At Ramadi Us Riposte
Guerrillas Gather at Ramadi US Riposte Iraq has banned non-Iraqi Arabs from coming to Iraq in the build-up to the December 15 elections. I think they would have been better off banning all civilians of any nationality from coming in; this way of doing it smacks of racism. Aljazeera is reporting, based on video released […]
Questions About Readiness Of Iraqi
Questions about Readiness of Iraqi Army New US Assault The strategy of the Bush administration in Iraq depends heavily on standing up battle-ready units of the new Iraqi army. The USA Today quotes experts on how unrealistic that plan is in the short to medium term. I have heard from contacts in Iraq that the […]
Guest Editorial Achcar Indeed They Are
Guest Editorial: Achcar & Shalom, on US Withdrawal “Strategic Redeployment” vs. “Out Now” Gilbert Achcar and Stephen R. Shalom Whatever the limitations of Rep. Murtha’s call to redeploy U.S. troops from Iraq that we have already emphasized (“On John Murtha’s Position,” ZNet, Nov. 21), he went much too far for most Democrats or for the […]
Poll Shows Mixed Results For Bush
Poll Shows Mixed Results for Bush Highlights of the CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll on Bush and Iraq. It is a very small poll with a whopping plus or minus %5 percent margin of error, but presumably the errors should all run the same way, so it does tell us something. Does Bush have a plan that […]
Cole In Salon And Truthdig In Salon
Cole in Salon and Truthdig In today, I ask “Did Bush plan to Bomb al-Jazeera?” And present new evidence that Rumsfeld considered the Arabic satellite station’s reporting to be a form of murder. My article on Rumsfeld’s complicity with Saddam Hussein when he was using chemical weapons is at, a new site, the […]
Wilkerson Cheney May Be War Criminal
Wilkerson: Cheney May be a War Criminal Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff of Colin Powell, told the BBC that Vice President Dick Cheney may be guilty of war crimes for arguing that all restrictions on torturing prisoners should be done away with. The Wilkerson transcript is here. Money grafs: >BBC: But you’re talking about […]