All the Vice President’s Men My article on the Neoconservatives running Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney’s foreign policy shop is out today in An excerpt: All the vice president’s men The ideologues in Cheney’s inner circle drummed up a war. Now their zealotry is blowing up in their faces. By Juan Cole Oct. 28, […]
Larry Johnson On Plame Scandal I Think
Larry Johnson on the Plame Scandal I think this interview by Wolf Blitzer with Larry Johnson on CNN’s Situation Room on Wednesday is extremely important and worry that it may be missed. I’m quoting some excerpts below. I was struck by the information that Plame Wilson has had death threats from al-Qaeda, and that the […]
Cockburn Misrepresents Cole Alexander
Cockburn Misrepresents Cole Alexander Cockburn says in his piece in The Nation: ‘Cole says to The Nation Institute’s Tom Engelhardt that for the United States to “up and leave” Iraq would be to become an accomplice to genocide. He counsels the heightened use in Iraq of “special forces and air power.” In other words, assassinations […]
Sunni Arabs Launch Political Campaign
Sunni Arabs Launch Political Campaign to Kick US Out Three small Sunni parties formed a coalition list on Wednesday. The Iraqi Islamic Party, the National Dialogue Council and the People’s Gathering will join forces to contest the December 15 elections. Before anyone gets too excited about this development, it should be noted that Reuters goes […]
More On Niger Gate Part One Of Article
More on Niger-gate Part One of an article in La Repubblica about the Niger uranium forgeries has been translated and made available. Part two has been made available here. And this is Part 3. Laura Rozen has been on this story for a couple of years now, and her remarks are important. Scroll down. The […]
Amazing Shrinking Donkey Arianna
The Amazing Shrinking Donkey Arianna Huffington nails it: the Democratic leadership is continuing to make a big mistake on the Iraq issue by refusing to provide the alternative voice that the American public truly wants. Ironically, Republicans like Chuck Hagel are taking the more courageous stance. If 2008 came and it were Hilary with her […]
Shining Beacon On Hill Iraq And
A Shining Beacon on a Hill Iraq and Israel/Palestine The Neoconservatives promised us that an American-dominated Iraq would become a model for the rest of the Middle East. Iraq has been turned, by the mismanagement of Bush and the Neoconservatives at the Department of Defense, into a hellhole of suicide bombings and subterranean campaigns of […]
Iraq Requires More Sacrifice Bush
Iraq requires more sacrifice: Bush Constitution Enacted, According to Electoral High Commission It takes an Aussie newspaper to put the headline so bluntly. As the milestone of 2,000 US military deaths in Iraq since the beginning of the war passed on Tuesday, ” Iraq requires more sacrifice: Bush.” Now Bush is menacing us with Usamah […]
Ship Of State Springs Leak James
Ship of State Springs a Leak James Ridgeway of the Village Voice recalls the ghost of corrupt vice presidents past in the light of the NYT’s revelations Tuesday that Richard Bruce Cheney was the one who revealed the name of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to his chief of staff, Irving Lewis Libby. Libby […]