Constitution Likely to Pass 6 US Marines Killed Six US GI’s were killed by roadside bombs Saturday and Sunday, according to wire services, five of them in Ramadi. The early returns from the Iraqi referendum on the new constitution suggest that it will pass, avoiding a Sunni Arab 3-province veto. Anbar and Salahuddin appear to […]
Sunni Arabs Reject Constitution Anbar
Sunni Arabs Reject Constitution Anbar province to the west of Baghdad has about 1.2 million residents, almost all of them Sunni Arabs. It had the lightest turnout in the referendum Saturday on the new constitution, but what turnout there was appears to have been solidly negative. Of 209 polling stations in the province, the home […]
Zawahiri Letter Other Thing That
Zawahiri Letter The other thing that struck me as odd about the Zawahiri letter was that at the end he raises the question of whether a non Iraqi should be leading the insurgency. This is odd for several reasons. Al Qaeda does not think in terms of nationality but of the umma or Muslim community. […]
Referendum On Constitution Iraqis Are
Referendum on Constitution The Iraqis are voting Saturday in a referendum on the new constitution. It was again endorsed by Shiite preachers and clerics on Friday. Sunni preacher were more divided. Sunni Arabs in the west of Iraq are complaining about a lack of polling stations in their areas. Many wish to vote against the […]
Zawahiri Letter To Zarqawi Shiite
Zawahiri Letter to Zarqawi: A Shiite Forgery? The Arabic text of the recently released letter alleged to be by Zawahiri (al-Qaeda’s number two man) to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq raises questions for me as to its authenticity. Update A lot of Muslim and Arabist readers have written to say that my argument below (now […]
Grand Ayatollahs Urge Yes Vote Sunni
Grand Ayatollahs urge “Yes” Vote Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party attacked Over its acceptance of Constitution Guerrillas managed to launch a few attacks on Wednesday and Thursday as the country began being locked down and cut off from the outside world in preparation for the referendum on Saturday. Mortar fire wounded 8 policemen in Sunni Adhamiyah […]
More Wmd Pie In Sky According To
More WMD Pie in the Sky According to Douglas Jehl of the New York Times, , in a January, 2003 conversation with Tony Blair, George W. Bush said that he “wanted to go beyond Iraq in dealing with WMD proliferation, mentioning in particular Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea and Pakistan.” What is odd about this […]
Miller And Neocons My Article On
Miller and the Neocons My article on Judith Miller and the neocons is out in Excerpt: ‘ Miller began to uncritically parrot even some of the neocons’ loonier claims. On CNN’s “American Morning With Paula Zahn” for May 14, 2002, Miller explained the controversy that had broken out about allegations that Cuba had a […]
Albin Guest Editorial From Japan Model
Albin Guest Editorial: From a Japan Model to a Decent Interval Roger Albin of the University of Michigan Medical School writes: ‘ Gilbert Achcar gives the Bush administration too much credit. This is not a divide and rule effort. The initial Bush plan (if you can call anything formulated so poorly a plan) was modeled […]