The UN Option for Iraq: Guest Comment by Carl Nyberg Carl Nyberg, a former UN peacekeeper in Cambodia, writes: “I’m skeptical of putting much hope into a UN solution for Iraq’s security problems. I was a UN peacekeeper in Cambodia, but don’t want to lean too heavily on my personal experience. What I learned from […]
Us Troops Die At Increased Rate In
US Troops Die at Increased Rate in Iraq Two PUK Employees Killed in Mosul USA Today reports that the death rate for US troops in Iraq rose by about a third during the past year over the previous year. The LA Times reports on the humanitarian implications of US military operations in Anbar province, for […]
Guest Editorial Irani On Erbil Journey
Guest Editorial: Irani on Erbil A JOURNEY OF HOPE: CONFLICT RESOLUTION TRAINING IN IRAQ by George Emile Irani, Ph.D. ‘ Following the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, many American and international NGOs flooded Iraq peddling their wares to the weary and traumatized Iraqis. For almost a year, I have intermittently received offers from various […]
Samarra Assaulted By Guerrillas La
Samarra’ Assaulted by Guerrillas The LA Times reports that guerrillas launched a major attack in Samarra on Wednesday. Carloads of gunmen came into the city and attacked a building used by security forces with rocket propelled grenades. They then attacked the hospital, until US and Iraqi government forces responded to attacks. When ten carloads of […]
Another Us Helicopter Downed This Time
Another US Helicopter Downed, This Time in Afghanistan 17 Dead Taliban used some sort of rocket to shoot down a US helicopter in Afghanistan, killing all 17 servicemen aboard. This is the second US helicopter lost this week. Earlier in the week, Iraqi guerrillas north of Baghdad downed one, killing two US soldiers. It is […]
Guest Opinion Iraq Avalanche
Guest Opinion: Iraq Avalanche Unstoppable: Richards “The Iraq Avalanche Cannot be Stopped” by Alan Richards University of California Santa CruzSanta Cruz, CAJune 24, 2005 I have been reading the debate . . . on “What next in Iraq?” (“Unilateral withdrawal? UN forces? Staying the course?”) with great interest. There is a way, however, in which […]
Some Iraqis Criticize Bushs Speech
Some Iraqis Criticize Bush’s Speech Looming Health Crisis in Qaim Area An Iraqi response to Bush’s claim that he is fighting terrorism by drawing terrorists to Iraq: ‘ “Why don’t they find another place to fight terrorism?” asked Abdul Ridha al-Hafadhi, 58, head of a humanitarian aid group. “I don’t feel comforted by Bush’s remarks; […]
Arguing With Bush Bushs Speech
Arguing with Bush Bush’s speech. “The terrorists who attacked us and the terrorists we face murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance and despises all dissent. “Terrorists” are not a cohesive ideological category like “Communists” as Bush suggests. Lots of groups use terror as a tactic. The Irgun Zionists […]
Tel Afar And North We Have Not Heard
Tel Afar and the North We have not heard much lately about the US campaign in the northern, largely Turkmen city of Tel Afar. The city has been a perennial security problem. There is evidence of local Turkmen guerrilla groups cooperating with Arab guerrillas, and the city seems to be part of an underground railway […]