Another Bombing at Abu Ghraib Sunni Meeting Collapses in Acrimony Guerrillas mounted another bombing attack on Abu Ghuraib prison (this one involving a tractor), leaving 5 Iraqi civilians wounded. On Sunday, a combination of car bombings and mortar attacks wounded dozens of Americans and Iraqis. The NYT reveals that a rumor is going around that […]
Wesley Clark Conference Call Wesley
Wesley Clark Conference Call Wesley Clark held a conference call on the situation in Iraq with some bloggers Monday afternoon, in advance of testifying in Washington on the situation. He began by pointing out that the US military made an assessment in September of 2002 that it could hold Iraq with 70,000 troops. [I had […]
Speaker Of Parliament Elected Amid
Speaker of Parliament Elected amid Rancor Two more US servicemen were killed by guerrilla attacks over the weekend, and the Green Zone took mortar fire near the Iraqi parliament again, during a recess, on Sunday. This news comes a day after a car bomb and mortar attack on Abu Ghraib prison, left 44 US troops […]
Other Pope John Paul Ii Was Complex
The Other Pope John Paul II was a complex man and among the more intellectual popes in history. Because of his admirable stance against Stalinism in Eastern Europe (which did not in fact involve any denunciation of communism or socialism per se) and his anti-abortion stance, he is often claimed as an ally by the […]
44 Us Troops Injured In Abu Ghraib
44 US Troops Injured in Abu Ghraib Attack, Some Seriously 12 Iraqis Wounded 6 Iraqis killed in Separate Incidents An organized platoon of some 40 guerrillas launched mortar attacks on Abu Ghrain prison on Saturday, wounding 44 US troops, some seriously, and 12 Iraqis. The US holds 10,500 Iraqis prisoner, suspecting them of being active […]
Sistani Fatwa On Security Al Hayat
Sistani Fatwa on Security Al-Hayat: Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani gave a fatwa Friday saying that cooperation with the forces charged with safeguarding security in Iraq is “obligatory” on all Iraqis, “as long as the principles of Islamic law are observed.” Sistani was replying to a letter sent him, which asked if it was required to […]
Tragic Death And Other Tragic Deaths I
A Tragic Death and other Tragic Deaths I address a different aspect of this story in my opinion piece at, “In gods we trust,” today. Bush’s bizarre press conference on Thursday was according to the Washington Post “on Terri Schiavo anhd Weapons of Mass Destruction.” That US newspapers report this bewildering juxtaposition without so […]
3 Us Troops Killed At Least 11 Iraqis
3 US Troops Killed At Least 11 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded “The Government is Not Even Close to being Formed” A Rand report done for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld lets him have it over the poor planning at the Pentagon for the aftermath of the war in Iraq, and for poor US military performance […]
Us Pakistan Relations Broad Based Four
US-Pakistan Relations “Broad-Based” Four Suspected al-Qaeda Captured in Peshawar Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence along with, probably, the FBI arrested four foreign Muslims in Peshawar on Thursday. They are: Abdul Aziz of Kunduz,Afghanistan; Mustafa, a Turk; Sulaiman, a Spaniard; and Tulan, a Russian Muslim. The four are suspected of being al-Qaeda. Pakistani intelligence has tracked down and […]