Koufax Complete List I’ve gotten around to stealing code for the complete list of Koufax Award Winners at Wampum. Best Blog (Non-Sponsored): Daily Kos Best Blog (Pro): Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall Best Writing: Hullaballoo by Digby Best Post: “If America Were Iraq…” at Informed Comment by Juan Cole Best Series (tie): The Rise […]
Bomb Blasts In Tikrit Haglaniyah Mosul
Bomb Blasts in Tikrit, Haglaniyah, Mosul Produce Dozens of Casualties AP reports on violence in Iraq Tuesday: ‘ A car bomb exploded near police headquarters in the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Thursday, killing at least 10 people, witnesses said. More than a dozen cars were set ablaze after the massive blast . . . […]
Were Shiites Cheated And What Does
Were the Shiites Cheated? And What does Allawi Want? Al-Hayat has a long interview with an “informed Iraqi source” who is close to US officials in Iraq. He maintains that the US officials there were astounded that the United Iraqi Alliance did so well, and that they felt helpless and resigned as the process unfolded. […]
Show Trials And Phony Confessions
Show Trials and Phony Confessions Target Syria AP reports on a televised confession of someone who said he was a Syrian agent in Iraq in charge of terrorist operations. The confession was broadcast on US-backed al-Iraqiyah television, and was produced presumably by the former Baath domestic intelligence officers appointed by Iyad Allawi. These confessions are […]
Association Of Muslim Scholars Denies
Association of Muslim Scholars Denies Negotiations with US Gilbert Achcar kindly supplied the following translation: The following interesting excerpt from today’s (Feb 23) Al-Hayat (my translation from Arabic): ‘ A member of the Association of Muslim Scholars [believed to be the most popular group among Arab Sunnis in Iraq] has denied that the contacts held […]
Iraq Blogging Nick Turse At
Iraq-Blogging Nick Turse at tomdispatch.com skewers Donald Rumsfeld’s various rhetorical strategies of evasion whenever he has been asked hard questions about Abu Ghraib, the situation in Iraq, etc.: ‘ I was truly curious: Was it a budgetary problem — the lack of CD burners, or floppy disks, or available computers at the Pentagon? Or was […]
Germans Trust Putin More Than Bush
Germans Trust Putin More than Bush Frank Domoney kindly sends his translation of a Die Welt article that reports that over-all, the German public trusts Vladimir Putin more than it trusts George W. Bush. I was struck that it doesn’t trust either one very much, and that even in West Germany they are in a […]
Koufax Awards Koufax Awards Have Been
Koufax Awards The Koufax Awards have been announced. Many, many thanks to readers who voted mine the best “Expert Blog” and made my piece, “If America were Iraq, What would it be Like? the best post of 2004. These are humbling awards to win. A warm congratulations to Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos for winning […]
Free Mojtaba And Arash If Blogdex Is
Free Mojtaba and Arash If Blogdex is any indication the campaign to free Mojtaba and Arash is going well. The Iranian government is not immune to public opinion, and I hope people will keep trying to get them out. In fact, assuming someone could plan it out and get a permit, wouldn’t a flashmob protest […]