SCIRI Sweeps Provincial Elections in South There is a rumor going around that interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi has formed a parliamentary coaltion with the Kurds in a bid to create a government, which requires a 2/3s majority in parliament. If the United Iraqi Alliance gets more than about 36 percent of the seats, however, […]
31 Killed Friday 17 Early Saturday On
31 Killed Friday, 17 early Saturday On Saturday, guerrillas set off a car bomb in the mixed Sunni-Shiite city of Musayyib. The bomb killed 17 and wounded 16, including 3 policemen. The explosion at the Shiite mosque was at Balad Ruz, northeast of Baghdad. The bomb was in a vegetable truck. In East Baghdad, guerrillas […]
Over 50 Dead In Iraq Carnage As
Over 50 Dead in Iraq Carnage as Rumsfeld Visits Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post reports carnage in Iraq on Thursday. A huge car bomb ripped through Liberation Square in Baghdad, killing four. A US convoy had just passed through. Guerrillas at Salman Pak attacked a police station, killing between 6 and 14 Iraqi policemen […]
Post Election Violence And Maneuvering
Post-Election Violence and Maneuvering AP reports that ‘ An American soldier was killed Wednesday and another wounded in an ambush north of the capital, the U.S. military said . . . Gunmen ambushed a convoy of Kurdish party officials in Baghdad, killing one and wounding four. And in the southern city of Basra, gunmen killed […]
Some 30 Killed In Iraq Violence
Some 30 Killed in Iraq Violence [Updated early Weds. Morning] A guerrilla strapped on a bomb belt and blew up a police recruiting station in west Baghdad Tuesday, killing at least 21 persons [a late report in al-Hayat put the death toll at 30]. In a separate incident, 3 policemen were killed in a firefight […]
Playing With Human Lives Goldbergs
Playing with Human Lives Goldberg’s descent into pathetic lack of humanity has been a pitiful thing to watch. I am so sorry to bother readers here with this one last posting on the whole Goldberg fiasco. And, note, that when pressed he was unable to name any books actually about modern Iraqi history that he […]
Guerrillas Kill Over 30 Wound Dozens
Guerrillas Kill over 30, wound Dozens, In Continued Iraq Violence Sadr Movement Coming in Third in South Mariam Fam of AP gives us the details of the continued guerrilla war in Iraq. *Baquba: Guerrillas set off a car bomb outside a police HQ, killing 15, wounding 17. *Mosul: 1. A suicide bomber detonated his payload […]
Goldberg V
Goldberg v. Cole Redux Goldberg seems to like embarrassing himself, so he won’t let go. Let us see what has been established. First, I alleged that Goldberg has never read a book about Iraq, about which he keeps fulminating. I expected him at least to lie in response, the way W. did when similarly challenged […]
Republicans Iraq And Islamic Republic
The Republicans’ Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iraq A guerrilla attack on a police station at Mahawil south of Baghdad left 22 police and soldiers, and 14 attackers, dead on Sunday. Some reports suggested that the US military denied this report, but it was carried by major wire services. The Republican Party spin machine […]