Letter to Jonah Goldberg A reader cc’d me with this letter to Jonah Goldberg and allowed me to share it here. Jonah: In your post to the Corner today (“A NEW DAY”), you leave the impression that the only emails you have received supporting Professor Cole were written by deranged anti-Semites. I sincerely doubt that […]
Focus On Elections In Iraq Al Hayat
Focus on Elections in Iraq Al-Hayat: An official spokesman for the Da`wa Party said Saturday that its political office had put forward Ibrahim Jafari as a candidate for president of Iraq. At the same time, the United Iraqi Alliance, of which Da`wa is one member, announced that it would insist on having the prime ministership. […]
Wolcott On Goldbergs Language
Wolcott on Goldberg’s Language Competencies James Wolcott of Vanity Fair weighs in on the Goldberg/Cole debate. My favorite line: “Yes, but Jonah speaks fluent Simpsons, which is why he’s so popular with campus conservatives as he goes about entertaining and mentoring the maroons of tomorrow.” By the way, there was some poster at Daily Kos […]
Shiite Religious Coalition Dominates
Shiite Religious Coalition Dominates Parliamentary Voting With 3.3 million votes counted from about 10 mostly southern provinces, the United Iraqi Alliance of mainly Shiite religious parties is so far garnering an astounding 66% of the seats in parliament (That percentage will fall as the northern, Sunni Arab and Kurdish vote comes in, but it may […]
Jonah Goldberg Embarrasses Himself
Jonah Goldberg Embarrasses Himself Once Again Jonah Goldberg attacked yours truly in a column recently. I think it is time to be frank about some things. Jonah Goldberg knows absolutely nothing about Iraq. I wonder if he has even ever read a single book on Iraq, much less written one. He knows no Arabic. He […]
2 Us Soldiers Killed 5 Wounded 19
2 US soldiers Killed, 5 wounded 19 Iraqis killed; Mosque Bombed CNN reports that guerrillas used a roadside bomb to kill two US soldiers and wound five others near Baiji outside Tikrit on Friday afternoon. Guerrillas kidnapped an Italian journalist in Baghdad. These incidents are so common that it is worth underlining that the US […]
Guerrillas Kill 29 Incl
Guerrillas Kill 29, Incl. 3 Marines Sistani List Looks set to Win Big Late in the Iraqi election season, interim Prime Minister Allawi and his supporters clearly attempted to build a buzz that his list would do better than expected and that he still had a shot at remaining prime minister. I personally thought this […]
Guest Editorial Arato On
Guest Editorial: Arato on Constitutional Participation in Iraq Constitutional Participation in Iraq by Andrew Arato The election of January 30, 2005 was Sistani’s victory. It is indisputable that it was he above all who pushed through this election for a constitution making assembly in the face of American resistance and UN paternalism. But as Carl […]
Marine Generals Idea Of Fun Marine Lt
Marine General’s Idea of Fun Marine Lt. General James Mattis said Thursday ‘ “Actually, it’s a lot of fun to fight. You know, it’s a hell of a hoot. … It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right upfront with you, I like brawling.” He added, “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who […]