Carnage continues With 27 Dead Bombings and assassinations resulted in at least 27 deaths in Iraq on Monday. Not only was a bomb exploded outside the headquarters of interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi’s Iraqi National Accord party (killing four and wounding 24), but another blast went off outside the Green Zone that houses government offices […]
2 Killed 14 Wounded At Allawi Party Hq
2 Killed, 14 Wounded at Allawi Party HQ Wire services and Lebanese Broadcasting Channel were reporting early Monday morning that guerrillas had detonated a car bomb near the headquarters of the Iraqi National Accord party. The party was about to announce its candidate list for the forthcoming elections. LBC reported that Allawi was on the […]
Middle Eastern Contributions To
Middle Eastern Contributions to Tsunamic Relief in Context Someone on an email list drew my attention to the following exchange from last week, with Tucker Carlson talking to Leslie Gelb, a fromer president of the Council on Foreign Relations, shown at 10 pm on Weds. Dec. 29 on CNN Newsnight. Carlson, who doesn’t know anything […]
Postings Postings May Sometimes Be
Postings Postings may sometimes be irregular this week, since I’m at a conference.
Thousands Of Fallujans Demonstrate Ash
Thousands of Fallujans Demonstrate Ash-Sharq al-Awsat Thousands of Fallujans demonstrated on Saturday in front of the main entrance to the largely abandoned city. They demanded that US military forces leave their city and that basic services be restored so that they could return. One eyewitness reporter called in from the scene an estimate of 30,000 […]
Guerrillas Kill 32 Car Bomb Kills 19
Guerrillas kill 32 Car Bomb Kills 19, Wounds 6 AFP reports that guerillas killed 32 persons in Iraq on Saturday. The most spectacular act of violence was the car bombing of a bus carrying national guardsmen. “Sixteen Iraqi national guard soldiers and one Iraqi civilian were killed… when anti Iraqi forces detonated a vehicle borne-improvised […]
End Of War Highly Informed Reader With
The End of War? A highly informed reader with practical Iraq experience wrote me the following, reponding to my statement on New Year’s day, “Now that nukes are becoming so common, humanity has to find a way to move into permanent cooperative and helping mode. War is gradually becoming unthinkable. The massive tsunami’s toll has […]
Happy New Year May 2005 Bring Us All
Happy New Year May 2005 bring us all more peace, good will, prosperity, and spiritual fulfilment than did 2004. Maybe it will be the year that we finally see some of the artificial barriers broken down, that divide Christians and Muslims, Jews and Arabs, Turks and Armenians, Americans and Iraqis. They’re all just human beings, […]
Split Among Shiites On Elections 9
Split among Shiites on Elections 9 Iraqis Killed in Bombings, Shootings A suicide bomber killed 7 persons at Siniyah near Baiji, five of them national guardsmen. Another national guard was found dead near Fallujah, a warning pinned to his body against cooperating with the US. Clashes and desultory fighting continued in Samarra north of Baghdad […]