Mosul Attack leaves 22 Dead, 51 Wounded The Guardian reports that a rocket and mortar attack on a US military base has left nearly two dozen dead and over 50 wounded. The shells landed on a tented mess hall, wreaking havoc among US troops, Iraqi national guards, and civilians. The Guardian notes that US bases […]
Poll Shows American Public Wising Up
Poll Shows American Public Wising Up A new CNN poll shows that the views expressed here at Informed Comment on most issues related to Iraq and Donald Rumsfeld have become mainstream in the American public. A majority of Americans thinks Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld should resign. I called for his resignation after the Abu Ghraib […]
Funerals For 67 Dead Draw Thousands
Funerals for 67 Dead Draw Thousands Fears of Instability Spreading Thousands of mourners came out in Najaf Monday to attend funerals for the 54 dead in that city from a massive bombing on Sunday. Emotions ran high, but key Shiite leaders seemed aware that the terrorism was intended to derail the upcoming elections, by producing […]
Ofac Reverses Censorship Policy
OFAC Reverses Censorship Policy Further to William Fisher’s guest editorial here on last Friday, good news! OFAC has reversed itself on several of its provisions for censoring manuscripts from Iran, Cuba Sudan. The issue, however, has not gone away. The Scientist notes, “But Edward Davis, one of the publishers’ attorneys, said yesterday that the publishers […]
43 Dead More Than 95 Wounded In Najaf
43 Dead, More than 95 Wounded in Najaf, Karbala Ambush in Baghdad Guerrillas detonated a huge bomb near the bus station in Karbala on Sunday, destroying several minibuses and leaving dead and wounded. Then an hour later, guerrillas set off another big explosion, this time in downtown Najaf, at a funeral procession. The bomb exploded […]
Voter Registration Stations Attacked
Voter Registration Stations Attacked Ayatollahs: Shaalan Must Go According to Reuters, guerrillas in Dujail, 30 miles north of Baghdad, subjected the local voter registration site to mortar fire on Saturday morning, killing 2 and wounding 8. Six of the wounded were Iraqi national guards who were trying to provide security there. Late Friday night, mortar […]
Fisher Guest Editorial Us Squelches
Fisher Guest Editorial: US Squelches Shirin Ebadi RIGHT HAND, LEFT HAND By William Fisher Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe performs a genuine public service by calling our attention to yet another screw-up in America’s war against the Axis of Evil. This one can only make us wonder if the government’s right hand knows what […]
Secular Majority In Iraq Unlikely
Secular Majority in Iraq? Unlikely Stephen Farrell argues at the London Times online that opinion polling suggest that “secularists” will get about 60% of the vote in the upcoming Iraqi elections and the “religious parties” will get 40%. This statement is incorrect. Opinion polling consistently shows that 70% of Iraqis support a religious state (IRI […]
Karbala Bomb Blast Bomb Blast Outside
Karbala Bomb Blast A bomb blast outside the holy shrine of Imam Husain in Karbala left Shaikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i wounded with shrapnel in his legs and killed two of his bodyguards along with six other persons. Altogether 32 were wounded. Al-Karbala’i is a prominent spokesperson for Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani of Najaf. Sistani recently […]