Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Wednesday, Israeli caretaker Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared a state of emergency in Lod, a small city of 77,000 people just southeast of Tel Aviv, 30 percent of whom are Palestinian-Israelis (my term for them, on the model of “Italian-Americans”). It had witnessed street demonstrations and rock throwing, and […]
Colonial Pipeline Failure Shows Electric Cars and Solar Panels are Key to US Security; How Petroleum Uncertainty Fueled World Wars
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Colonial pipeline hack has interrupted gasoline supplies brought from Texas to the Southeast. People are hoarding, and long gasoline lines are forming reminiscent of the 1970s, and some gas stations are closing for lack of supplies. The problems are likely temporary. Colonial was targeted by a ransom-ware attack, wherein […]
What if Israelis attacked the Basilica of St. Peter on Easter? That’s how Muslims feel about Assault on al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – One of the most outrageous Israeli actions against the Palestinians of East Jerusalem during the past week has been the repeated Israeli assaults on worshipers in the al-Aqsa Mosque complex, which is sacred to 1.8 billion Muslims, a fourth of humankind. This would be as though Israeli commandos had invaded […]
How Biden Enabled Israeli Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian E. Jerusalem by affirming Trump move of US Embassy There
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The post of U.S. ambassador to Israel is still vacant, but the charge d’affaires, Jonathan Shrier, sent over some objections to caretaker Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last month complaining about the Israeli construction of squatter settlements on Palestinian land in East Jerusalem. The “Green Line” that separates Israel within 1948 […]
90K Palestinians force Israeli Security to back down, allow them to Pray in Jerusalem, as nearly 100 are injured Protesting Ethnic Cleansing
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Al Jazeera reports that despite the Israeli security forces’ attack on worshipers at al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday evening, some 90,000 came back for special evening prayers on Saturday. Initially, the Israeli forces had intended to prevent the worshipers from arriving there from the West Bank, but given the violence they […]
Not “Clashes”: Israeli Security Wounds Nearly 200 Palestinians in Ongoing Ethnic Cleansing Campaign at 3rd Holiest Islamic Site
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Diya’ Hajj Yahya of Arab 48 reports that at least 180 Palestinians were injured Friday night by Israeli security forces in their crackdown on worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest shrine for the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims. The US press and television news, where they report the events […]
Chickens coming home to Roost: Liz Cheney’s Father Pioneered the GOP Big Lie and Authoritarian Tactics in Iraq War
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Rep. Liz Cheney has emerged as a voice for truth-telling in Trump’s Republican Party, standing up to the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 election and denouncing her fellow representatives who sought to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s victory and who thus helped provoke the Capitol Insurgency. Cheney […]
44% of People in World Fear US will interfere with their Democracy, fearing China or Russia Less
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A new Alliance of Democracies Poll conducted around the world with 50,000 people in 53 countries earlier this year finds that “Nearly half (44%) of respondents in the 53 countries surveyed are concerned that the US threatens democracy in their country; fear of Chinese influence is 38%, and fear of […]
For 1st time, Ultra High Resolution Photo released of Black Stone in Mecca, sacred relic of Islam
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Saudi commission for the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina revealed in a tweet on Tuesday that it was making new high resolution pictures of the Black Stone of the Kaaba shrine in Mecca available. The stone has for over 1,400 years had an important place in Muslim […]