Kerry takes Oregon, Maine CBS is projecting Washington, Oregon and California all for Kerry, and he gets all four electoral votes from Maine. This is excellent news for Kerry, since it makes it less likely Bush can put together an alternative if Kerry takes the upper midwest.
Bush Is On Verge Of Winning Dan Rather
Bush is on the Verge of Winning? Dan Rather and Bob Schieffer are pointing out that with Kerry’s loss of Florida, he needs to sweep Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, to win. If Bush takes either Michigan or Ohio he will be within spitting distance of winning. For Kerry to take Ohio and Michigan, however, is not […]
Can Us System Be Reformed Given Talk
Can the US System be Reformed? Given the talk in Washington about whether it is possible to reform the Arab world, I found the discussion this evening on al-Jazeera amusing. They had an Iraqi analyst on, who said that if there wasn’t a clear break for one of the candidates in the next few hours, […]
Legal Stalling In Ohio Josh Marshall
Legal Stalling in Ohio? Josh Marshall is reporting that Republicans in Ohio have resorted to the courts to interfere with the election. NYT has some reporting on the back story from Monday and early Tuesday for Wednesday’s edition. Its early take on the way the polling proceeded in Ohio is positive, but its stringers may […]
Pennsylvania For Kerry Florida For
Pennsylvania for Kerry, Florida for Bush CNN is calling Pennsylvania for Kerry. They are still saying Florida is too close to call, but CNN analysts clearly think Bush has it in the bag. It comes down to Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Missouri is still in play.
Pennsylvania For Kerry Suburbs Kerry
Pennsylvania for Kerry? Suburbs? Kerry did amazingly well in exit polls in Philadelphia suburbs, according to AP. That could easily offset the Bush vote in the “T.” This report is one of the few detailed accounts of voting trends in one of the contested states, aside from New Jersey, which turns out not to have […]
At Last Jon Stewart Is On Comedy
At last! Jon Stewart is on the Comedy Channel Nothing much is moving with regard to calling important states. The next poll closings are not until 11:00 EST. The easy things to call are the solid blue and red states. The networks are afraid of making major errors, as they had in 2000, so they […]
Arab Americans Vote In Large Numbers
Arab-Americans vote in Large Numbers I’m watching al-Jazeera, which is broadcasting from Dearborn. The guests are saying that the Arab-Americans came out to vote in very large numbers. A Chaldean Christian representative is saying that his community favors Bush, because his Iraq team is already in place, whereas Kerry would take six or seven months […]
Virginia North Carolina For Bush Cnn
Virginia, North Carolina for Bush CNN is calling Virginia and NC for Bush. CNN’s exit polling seems to show Bush doing well in central Florida. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin are all the more important for Kerry.