Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – President Biden on Monday honored the deaths of 500,000 Americans from COVID-19. It is a very large number, and commentator Sanjay Gupta at CNN had tears in his eyes because, he said, “they didn’t have to die.” President Biden clearly cares about these deaths. He commemorated their lives and their […]
Israeli Ministry of Health Study finds Pfizer Vaccine stops 89.4% of Virus transmission, Raising Hopes of Return to Normalcy: Der Spiegel
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Israel’s national health system, an artefact of its past as a country founded by socialists, has allowed the country of 9 million to vaccinate almost half of its citizens already, the most progress made by any country in the world. This accomplishment (which unfortunately excludes the five million stateless Palestinians […]
We can do this: Americans put in massive 17 Gigawatts of Wind Power in 2020 despite Pandemic, Recession, and Neanderthal Conservatives
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – While conservatives like Texas governor Greg Abbott and Tucker Carlson have been busy putting down wind turbines as unreliable, America has been voting with its pocketbook. The verdict? We want more wind-powered electricity, precisely because it is inexpensive and reliable. So we may conclude from the Sustainable Energy in America […]
Dear Texas Gov. Abbott: Wind Turbines work fine in Antarctica and Alaska, you’re just too Cheap to Winterize them
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Texas governor Greg Abbott alleged that the massive power outages in his state demonstrated the unwisdom of moving to renewable energy, attempting to blame the crisis on the state’s wind turbines. Like most of the things Republican politicians say publicly, this allegation was a lie. Here’s a wind turbine working […]
Number of residential solar batteries increases by 50% in Germany
By Sören Amelang | – The number of battery storage systems linked to a residential solar pv array rose by around 50 percent in Germany in 2020 for the third year in a row. The country’s solar association BSW estimates there were 88,000 new residential installations, taking the total number of solar batteries in Germany […]
Ted Cruz vacationing in Cancun while millions freeze is par for the Course for the US Filthy Rich and their G.O.P Lapdogs
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Sen. Ted Cruz abandoning Texas to its fate, with millions suffering without power, to go off on a vacation in Cancun, Mexico, is the perfect metaphor for America in the age of monopoly capital. After all, many American corporations have taken a prolonged tax holiday in the Caribbean. Some 18 […]
Biden’s Saudi Game of Thrones: Is he trying to Sideline crown prince Bin Salman?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – BBC Arabic reports that Saudi Twitter has gone wild with responses to the apparent sidelining by President Biden of Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman, with many Saudis considering it a humiliation. White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said this week that Biden wishes to “recalibrate” the U.S. relationship with Saudi […]
From Covid to Power outages in Ice Storms, the Texas Republican Party has created a Failed State
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Republican Party has had a lock on Texas politics for over two decades, and has reduced it to a failed state. Even Texans like Beto O’Rourke are making this observation. Millions are without electricity in the midst of one of the state’s worse winter storms ever. This massive failure […]
Israel stops Palestinians of Gaza from getting 2K doses of Russian Coronavirus Vaccine
Update. On Wednesday Feb. 17, Israel finally permitted 1,000 doses into Gaza, despite an earlier temptation to play politics with the pandemic. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – According to AFP Arabic, Palestinian Minister of Health Dr. Mai Al-Kilah announced Monday that Israeli authorities halted a shipment of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine sent to […]