Bremer fails to Resolve Deadlock in IGC over Fundamental Law ash-Sharq al-Awsat reports that Paul Bremer met Tuesday with the nine most powerful members of the Interim Governing Council in an attempt to settle outstanding issues that have delayed passage of the Fundamental Law or interim constitution. A member of the IGC who declined to […]
Karbala Provincial Council Row Shows
Karbala Provincial Council Row Shows Power of Shiite Clergy in Iraq Mariam Fam has the best and clearest account I have seen of the recent trouble in Karbala over the provincial council. Apparently what happened is that the Coalition Provisional Authority decided to expand the council from 16 to 40. They asked local tribal leaders […]
Iraqi Women See Window Of Opportunity
Iraqi Women see Window of Opportunity Closing Scheherezade Faramarzi reports on women’s aspirations for Iraq. It sounds as though not only did Mr. Bremer not appoint many women to the Interim Governing Council, but even some of the ones left on it are Islamists who favor or acquiesce in Islamic personal status law. It really […]
Muqtada Un Has Agreed To Occupation Of
Muqtada: The UN has Agreed to the Occupation of Iraq Excerpts from and comments by me on an IRNA (Iran) news agency interview with Muqtada al-Sadr, 23 Feb. 04 (courtesy BBC monitoring) follow. Muqtada al-Sadr, 30, is the son of revered Iraqi cleric Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr, who was assassinated by Saddam in 1999. Muqtada has […]
Iraq As Election Issue In Ohio Leo
Iraq as Election issue in Ohio Leo Shane II reports that many local voters continue to be concerned with the Iraq war as an issue even when it no longer affects them personally. In this sense, the current troop shift, whereby tens of thousands of National Guardsmen are being sent to Iraq for a year, […]
Bush Started Iraq War Planning In
Bush started Iraq War Planning in February 2002 The Guardian reports that Rowan Scarborough reveals in his new book, ‘ On February 16, 2002, Bush signed a secret national security council directive establishing the goals and objectives for going to war with Iraq, according to classified documents I obtained,” Scarborough wrote ‘ This was already […]
Treasury Department Attempts To Stop
Treasury Department attempts to stop Editing of Papers from Iran Those of you who care about what is left of the First Amendment in this country should read this article at Democracy Now on the Treasury Department’s threats to imprison and fine any of us editors who dare edit a paper for publication from a […]
Un No Early Elections In Iraq Kofi
UN: No Early Elections in Iraq Kofi Annan released his report on Monday suggesting that direct elections can’t take place in Iraq until December of 2004 or early 2005. He made no suggestions about how to establish a government in Iraq to which the US could hand over sovereignty as planned on June 30. He […]
Rumsfeld Warns Iran And Syria Us
Rumsfeld Warns Iran and Syria US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had Iran and Syria exactly where they want him. he alleged that Syria accepted Baath escapees from Iraq during the war last spring, and that Iran is “harboring” al-Qaeda and allowing its men to slip through Iraq into Iran. I personally doubt that Iran […]