British Say Open Elections Feasible The Financial Times is reporting that British authorities in Basra now believe that there are no procedural obstacles to holding open elections in Basra of the sort that Grand Ayatollah Sistani has called for: Whether this is true or not, it is hard to see the British announcement as anything […]
Gone Fishin Just Warning To Regular
Gone Fishin’ Just a warning to regular readers that for personal reasons I may find it difficult to post regularly the week of Jan. 19-25. It is possible I am exaggerating the difficulties, so do check in. But it is also possible the site will be less active this week. It will certainly be back […]
Us And Un Caught Between Shiites And
US and UN: Caught between Shiites and Sunnis Two parallel reports from Baghdad, one from Alissa Rubin of the LA Times and one from Hamza Hendawi of AP, point to the increasing difficulties the US is having in satisfying the Kurds, Sunni Arabs and Shiites in Iraq. Rubin [reg. req.] emphasizes the dissatisfaction of the […]
Bomb Blast Rocks Shrine City Of Karbala
Bomb Blast Rocks Shrine City of Karbala; 13 Injured AFP is reporting that guerrillas left a bomb in a package in the center of the Shiite holy city of Karbala, near the shrine of Abbas, the brother of Imam Husayn. They detonated it around 10 pm Sunday night, injuring 13. The largely Sunni Baath remnants […]
23 Killed 2 Americans 130 Injured
23 Killed (2 Americans), 130 Injured (including 6 Americans) in Baghdad Car Bombing AFP has raised the casualty count to as many as 23-25 killed and 130 wounded in the Baghdad car bombing of the US headquarters there. “The huge explosion turned the busy central Baghdad street outside into a battlefield inferno but the headquarters […]
Benny Morris On Arabs There Is
Benny Morris on the Arabs There is an interesting discussion going on over at H-Mideast-Politics about a recent interview given by Israeli “New Historian” Benny Morris, who is increasingly a neoconservative. See especially the comment of Alan Fisher, professor of Middle East History at Michigan State University.
Whistle Blower On Us Dirty Tricks At Un
Whistle-Blower on US Dirty Tricks at UN to be Tried in UK The Guardian reports that Britain’s Katherine Gunn may face two years in prison for whistleblowing on American dirty tricks at the United Nations. She made public a memo that reveals US intentions to spy on the UN delegations of the six “swing vote” […]
3 Us Soldiers Killed North Of Baghdad
3 US Soldiers Killed North of Baghdad Guerillas in the cane fields north of Baghdad detonated an enormous bomb on Saturday as a US military convoy went by, turning a 30 ton vehicle upside down and killing 3 US soldiers. Their deaths took the death total to over 500. The press has concentrated on the […]
Latest Tomgram On Chalmers And Us
Latest Tomgram on Chalmers and the US Military Tom Engelhardt’s at the Nation Institute is always entertaining and insightful. For anyone interested in the debate on the new American empire (which actually doesn’t seem to be going very well, since it is being overruled by Kurdish militiamen and grand ayatollahs), his comments and quotation […]