Shadid on Shiite Politics in Iraq As usual, Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post (an Arabist) does some of the best in-depth reporting on Shiite religious politics in Iraq. He managed to get an interview with Grand Ayatollah Hussain Bashir al-Najafi, the first I know of in English. His nuanced and informed report raises serious […]
Baathists Poisoning Water In Mosul Al
Baathists Poisoning Water in Mosul Al-Sharq al-Awsat claims today that pro-Saddam forces are attempting to spread panic and dissension in Mosul by dumping poison and petroleum products into the water supply of several Mosul neighborhoods. Health workers verified the pollution of the water in three neighborhoods and alerted the residents.
Massacre Of Spanish Secret Agents
Massacre of Spanish Secret Agents Guerrillas ambushed two vehicles carrying Spanish intelligence operatives in Latifiya, a Sunni town just south of Baghdad on Saturday, killing 7 and wounding another. They used rocket propelled grenades and machine guns. Crowds of young men gathered to celebrate, kicking the bodies and chanting slogans in favor of Saddam Hussein. […]
Sistani Position On New Elections
Sistani Position on New Elections The office of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani affirmed Saturday in Najaf that he had reservations about the Nov. 15 plan for caucus type elections. Replying to questions from a newspaper, he said (trans. J. Cole): “First of all, the preparation of the Iraqi State (Basic) Law for the transitional period […]
72 Us Troops Killed In Hostilities In
72 US troops killed in Hostilities in November 72 US soldiers were killed by hostile fire in Iraq during November, the highest of any month since the major fighting started last March. And for the Coalition troops as a whole, the number is 107! I was taken aback by the size of the number. I […]
Sunni Walks Out Of Tourism Conference
Sunni walks out of Tourism Conference AFP reports that Adnan Doulami, the religious director for Sunni Muslims walked out on a tourism conference on Saturday. He was protesting the remarks of Hussein al-Shami, director of Shiite pious endowments. Al-Shami attacked Wahhabis for denigrating shrines and saints, insisting that the shrines of the Shiite Imams are […]
More On Sa 14 Missiles Brucer Has
More on SA-14 Missiles BruceR has further technical analysis of the SAM missile attacks on the DHL cargo plane on Nov. 22. Apparently the guerrillas thought they were hitting a military plane! He also translates the French Paris Match article on the incident.
Bush To Sistani Good To Have You
Bush to Sistani: Good to Have you Working with Us It turns out that President George W. Bush did meet on Thursday with four members of the Iraqi Interim Governing Council. All 24 had been invited to a Thanksgiving Day event at the Baghdad Airport, but they were not told the nature of the event. […]
Two Us Troops Killed Us Kills Sisters
Two Us Troops Killed; US kills Sisters Guerrillas in Mosul killed a soldier with mortar fire that hit the 101st Airborne Division HQ on Friday. On Thursday, a US soldier had been shot to death inside a military base in Ramadi. The CPA is strongly denying a wire service story (earlier mentioned here) that US […]