*Germany and Russia are ready to train a new Iraqi police force, but they want the US to specify a firm timetable for turning Iraq back over to the Iraqis. Russia is flatly rejecting the idea of sending troops to Iraq under any circumstances.
Us Forces In Iraq Are Attempting To
*US forces in Iraq are attempting to seal the Syrian and Iranian borders on intelligence that outsiders are planning a big terrorist operation in hopes of discouraging the United Nations from sending a peacekeeping force. -al-Zaman. If true, it would show that the canny enemies of the US realize that internationalizing the reconstruction of Iraq […]
Far Rightwing Journalist And Resurgent
*Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he said, “No need to run away from the label America’s destiny is to police the world.” This gonzo style, borrowed on the sly from Ariel Sharon and falsely attributed to […]
In Debate Of Democratic Candidates On
*In the debate of the Democratic candidates on Tuesday evening here in the US, there were some sparkling moments. I thought Howard Dean acquitted himself well, but I was sorry to see him buy into Saudi-bashing. He accused the Saudis of systematically schooling their children to hate Americans. That such schooling exists in the kingdom […]
See Fawaz Gergess Analysis Of Iraqi
*See Fawaz Gerges’s analysis of the Iraqi resistance in CSM. He makes more of the radical Sunni Muslims in Iraq than I would, though he is careful to say they only amount to a few hundred, and he is attentive to the continued appeal of Arab nationalism. http://www.csmonitor.com/ 2003/0910/p11s01-coop.html
Guerillas Wounded Two American Soldiers
*Guerillas wounded two American soldiers with a bomb as their convoy was going over a bridge in Baghdad on Monday. *Two tribal shaikhs were assassinated in Iraq according to al-Zaman. One, `Abd al-Jabbar al-Issawi, was from the powerful Sunni al-Jubur tribe, which was favored under Saddam. Assailants shot him down in Baghdad. Who killed him […]
Bushs Speech On Iraq Policy At 830 Pm
Bush’s speech on Iraq policy at 8:30 pm Sunday night struck me as weak compared to past addresses of his on the War on Terror. He seemed to me distracted and nervous, no doubt aware that after the UN and Najaf bombings, and with the steady drumbeat of US casualties, things are not going well. […]
Assassination Attempt Against Grand
*An assassination attempt against Grand Ayatollah Hussain Bashir al-Najafi has been foiled in Najaf reports AFP The Badr Corps militia of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq captured the man in Najafi’s home on Sunday. He confessed to being a member of the Fedayeen of Saddam Hussain, and also said that he had […]
Ayham Al Samarrai New Minister Of
*Ayham al-Samarrai, the new minister of electricity, has said that Coalition troops should withdraw from Iraqi cities within six months. (AFP) Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, Shiite cleric and member of the Interim Governing Council, has demanded that the US withdraw from the cities immediately.