Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trumps visited the Taj Mahal during their trip to India. They didn’t have a right to do so. The building is properly the mausoleum of Mumtaz Mahall, literally “Queen Mumtaz” in Mughal Persian. It was constructed of white marble in Agra between 1631 and 1648 by the Mughal emperor […]
The Fall of France to the Nazis? Chris Matthews and Corporate Democrats’ Bernie Derangement Syndrome
NB Matthews apologized for his remarks on 2/24/20 Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I was watching MSNBC Saturday afternoon during the voting at the Nevada caucuses. I did a little channel surfing, checking in at CNN and at the real news on Al Jazeera. But mostly I had MSNBC on. And I nearly fell off […]
Why the Russian Petro-state is actually terrified of a Bernie Sanders Presidency: The Green New Deal
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused by Western intelligence agencies of seeking to interfere in the 2020 US elections in favor of Donald Trump on the right and in favor of Bernie Sanders on the left. But guess what, Russia doesn’t actually want Bernie to win. At all. Moscow […]
The Prophet Muhammad’s Wives and Muslim Women in Early Arabian Rock Inscriptions
Ahmad Bin Ghanim al-Ida’ published a photograph of an inscription he found south of al-Ula (near ancient Hijr) in Saudi Arabia. It was picked up and transcribed by Saudi archeologist Mohammed al-Maghthawi. The inscription says, “God, forgive Muhammad the Prophet, and join with him his wives, and, God, forgive the male and female believers, and […]
Russia wants Trump reelected, and may be Making a Bet that Bernie Sanders can’t Defeat Him (They’re Wrong)
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Julia Arciga at The Daily Beast writes that the Bernie Sanders campaign is convinced that notorious far right wing internet troll Richard Grenell, whom Trump wants to make acting Director of National Intelligence, is the source of the leak that Russia is backing the Sanders campaign. At the same time, […]
White Terrorism targeting Innocent Muslims in Germany is not termed “Terrorism”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Thursday, a racist extremist went to two shisha bars in Hanau, Germany, randomly shooting the people there. Since smoking hookah is a Middle Eastern custom, he clearly thought he could be sure of killing Muslims at these establishments. He killed a pregnant woman and bar staff, leaving at least […]
Methane Emissions Crisis and Rapid Global Heating: It is all Fossil Fuel Drilling and Fracking
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Many policy and scientific questions have the form of a Whodunnit. In what Umberto Eco called the “closed” mystery, the aftermath of a crime is described by the novelist but the identity and the motives of the killer are not known. A big mystery is where all the methane in […]
94% of Palestinians reject Trump’s Kushner Plan, with Massive Rallies, and 2/3s say Two-State Solution is Dead
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Some 94% of Palestinians reject the Kushner Plan for Palestine, and two thirds of Palestinians ,according to a recent opinion poll, support the way in which President Mahmoud Abbas has tackled it. Abbas has cut off diplomatic relations and security cooperation with Israel and the United States. In fact, 82 […]
Will the new, Left-led Ireland Recognize Palestine and Boycott Israeli Squatters?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – That the Left has swept to power in Ireland may position that country to play an important role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The European Union member states sometimes rail against their irrelevance on foreign policy. Despite Europe’s enormous population (pop. 445 million vs. 320 million in the U.S.) and a […]