Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump and his white nationalist pet Stephen Miller have placed Nigeria on their racist visa ban. But Nigeria is not Chad, and there could be serious repercussions for the United States of slapping around Africa’s most important country. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country at over 200 million persons, and […]
Top 3 Ways America has been Deeply Wounded by Supporting Israel Lobbyists like Jared Kushner
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Jared Kushner is essentially an Israeli squatter on Palestinian land in the West Bank, and so it is little wonder that his plan for Palestinians is that they should continue under the Israeli jackboot and that a third of their territory in the West Bank should be given to Israel. […]
Juan Cole, “International Liberation and Nonviolent Noncooperation: Martin Luther King and Afro-Asia” (Video)
The nonviolent activism of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is associated in the minds of many primarily with the Civil Rights Movement against institutionalized racism in Jim Crow America. King was, however, a keen observer of decolonization and the awakening of colonized peoples in Afro-Asia to aspirations for self-determination. This anti-colonial perspective led to […]
As anti-Trump Protests Erupt in Palestinian West Bank, Israeli Occupation forces wound Dozens
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Dozens of Palestinians were injured in protests throughout the Palestinian West Bank by Israeli Occupation troops on Wednesday. Gaza was closed down by a general strike. This according to the Egyptian newspaper al-Misrawi. Two Palestinians were wounded by live fire by Israeli troops in al-Bira. Palestinian demonstrations and confrontations with […]
Top 5 ways Trump plan for Palestinians is a Crime against Humanity
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Tuesday, an American president being impeached for abuse of power announced a historic plan for Israel-Palestine alongside an Israeli prime minister who was just indicted for bribery and corruption. (The Israeli parliament declined to grant Netanyahu immunity, and he withdrew the request, allowing the formal indictment to be filed.) […]
A Pence Presidency and an Iran War? Why does John Bolton really want Trump Out?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Former National Security Adviser John Bolton may have singlehandedly stopped Senate majority Mitch McConnell from simply acquitting Trump in the Senate impeachment trial and adjourning without witnesses or documents. Bolton publicly announced his willingness to testify before the Senate, after having stiffed the House proceedings. And then a manuscript of […]
Price of Trolling Impeachment: End of Oslo Peace Process and Trump-Netanyahu Apartheid “Steal of the Century”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Palestinian leadership has entirely rejected what is known of the Trump plan for Israel and Palestine, and warned that they see it as destroying the Oslo Peace accords. The Trump administration did not consult the Palestinians in drawing up the plan, which gives away East Jerusalem and 30% of […]
How Trump killed Iraq’s Popular Protests Against Corruption
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Iraqi armed forces tried to pull an al-Sisi on Saturday, making a concerted attempt to clear out camping protesters in Baghdad, Basra, and other cities, and leaving some protesters dead or wounded. In Baghdad, the security forces attempted to clear Gilani Square and the Sinak Bridge, setting fire to […]
On How Christians and Jews are “muslims”: The Real meaning of “Islam” in the Qur’an
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – As used in the Qur’an, Islam (al-islam in Arabic) doesn’t mean what people think it means. It doesn’t mean “peace,” though it is from a common root. It doesn’t mean the religion of the Prophet Muhammad. It doesn’t mean submission to God. I’ve come to believe that the accretions of […]