Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Zachary Cohen and Ryan Browne at CNN report that Trump is stealing $3.6 billion from 127 projects in the Defense Department budget that was constitutionally purposed by Congress, and using them unconstitutionally for 140 miles of his Great White Wall at the Mexico border. And remember, he promised Mexico would […]
Failing Breitbart Comes for Juan Cole on Climate History and it Won’t Go Well
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I understand that the far, far rightwing reused toilet paper that is Breitbart ran a hit piece on me today for daring question the record of Florida’s Saint DeSantis on doing nothing about carbon dioxide emissions that are sinking his state. Breitbart’s offices are in Los Angeles, which is itself […]
Bernie Sanders after Saudi Prison Massacre in Yemen: “We are Complicit in this Nightmare”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Saudi fighter-jets bombed a makeshift prison on a college campus in Dhamar, Yemen, south of the capital of Sana’a eight times on Sunday, killing at least 100 prisoners according to the International Committee of the Red Cross.Dozens of wounded have been taken to Revolution Hospital and many are in critical […]
On Labor Day, US Workers are 1/3 poorer than in 2003 & Top 1% is 2x Richer
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Labor Day, American workers have little to celebrate. That’s alright. The September Labor Day, while initially proposed by some workers in the 1880s, was backed by conservative President Grover Cleveland over May 1, which he associated with radicalism (i.e. with workers who would demand their rights). So it really […]
Trump Gives away US Intel Sources, Methods with Photo of Iran Launch Failure
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump couldn’t contain his inner five-year-old when an Iranian satellite launch at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport went bad last Thursday. He had to taunt Tehran on twitter, as Passant Rabie at reports. (Iranians don’t have twitter, although some high officials use it for public diplomacy overseas.) He appears to […]
Hurricane Dorian: DeSantis & Trump haven’t curbed CO2 Emissions & Should Resign
Hurricane Dorian has gathered strength from the freakishly warm waters of the Caribbean to become a category 4. It is already raging with 130 mph winds, but is expected now to become even stronger. It is menacing the Bahamas, from which tourists can afford to flee; but what about the people who live there? It […]
Yemen: Southern Secessionists Retake Aden after UAE Kills 300 in airstrikes
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Yemen’s southern separatist movement announced Thursday that it had regained control of all of the Arabian Sea port city of Aden and its surrounding province, and was near to taking Abyan province and its capital, Zinjibar. This according to the Egyptian Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm (The Egyptian Today) and Agence France […]
Why I Left the Far-Right: Joram van Klaveren’s Journey to Islam (Video)
Emir-Stein Center | Video Clip | – “From extreme nationalism and far-right politics to compassion and empathy, watch the incredible transformation story of Joram van Klaveren, a former Dutch parliamentarian.” Emir-Stein Center: “Why I Left the Far-Right” Article appended by Informed Comment: Geert Wilders’ former senior right hand, Joram van Klaveren, converts to Islam EICRI […]
The Saudi Axis and Israel’s Drone War on the Shiite Crescent
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In the past week, Linah al-Saafin at Al Jazeera English points out, an Israeli drone hit a Hizbullah target in Lebanon, Israeli fighter jets bombed a base in Syria with Iranian personnel, and Israel somehow hit bases of a Shiite militia in Iraq, including one on the Syria-Iraq border, killing […]