Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The government of Angela Merkel in Germany has rejected participation in the the Trump administration’s naval mission, “Operation Sentinel,” aimed at securing the Straits of Hormuz from Iranian interference in shipping. German foreign minister Heiko Maas of the Social Democratic Party said that Berlin opposes the Trump policy of “maximum […]
The Climate Emergency comes for the Democrats
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Despite the reluctance of corporate America, its cable news channels and its favorite candidates to tackle the looming menace of our climate crisis, it came for the Democrats big time in the second CNN debate. Credit where credit is due; the governor of Washington state, Jay Inslee, was the primary […]
Why Trump let Saudi Arabia and UAE censor his “America First” Speech on Energy
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Sunday the NYT revealed that Trump’s staff ran his May, 2016 speech on “America First” by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their input into the energy passages, and actually altered the text based on their editing. The hollow joke of Trump’s “America first” slogan could not […]
10 Poorest States in US to have voted for Trump are Poorer than Baltimore
*The wording of this piece has been slightly revised and two links added. Trump has been throwing shade on Baltimore. But he constantly praises himself at his rallies in the Red States for the great job he’s done in bringing people prosperity. Open Data Network says GDP per capita in the Baltimore metro area in […]
Europe, are you Crazy? As a Continent Melts, New Coal Plants Planned and Permitting Blocks Wind Farms
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The heat wave that has swept Europe and given Paris the weather of Madras is certainly embroiled in human-caused climate change. The severity and frequency of such extreme weather is exacerbated by the 2.4 trillion metric tons of carbon dioxide human beings have spewed into the atmosphere since about 1750, […]
Trump’s Supreme Court overturns Magna Carta (1215) and Montesquieu (1748) for Sultan Donald John
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The US Supreme Court on Friday, by a 5-4 Republican Party majority, temporarily ruled to allow Trump to divert monies dedicated by Congress to the Defense Department budget to wall-building in the Southwest. If the court makes the ruling permanent, it will be attacking the principle of the “power of […]
Scotland Renewables making enough Electricity to power Two Scotlands and other Wind Power Successes
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – As The Independent put it in its headline, for the first six months of this year, Scotland generated enough electricity with wind turbines to power two Scotlands (with regard to household energy requirements). Of course, households are not the only consumers of electricity– industry and retail are big in that […]
Without Political Boycotts, the Civil Rights Movement Might have failed: Congress is gutting Constitution to Protect Israeli War Crimes
Ann Arbor (informed Comment) – The House of Representatives on Thursday passed by a 398-17 margin a resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. In so doing, they weakened the US First Amendment of the Constitution, which forbids Congress to censor political speech. Americans don’t need the House’s permission to express their […]
Iran Crushing Rights just when it Needs understanding in the West: Must Release Prominent Anthropologist
Detention of French-Iranian Anthropologist Confirms Worrying Trend