Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Uber warmongerers John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, somehow the National Security Adviser and Secretary of State of the United States, respectively, have sent an aircraft carrier battle group toward the Gulf in the vicinity of Iran, in hopes of provoking a military confrontation with that country. Iran does not have […]
Conspiracy-Theorist-in-Chief Trump Tweetstorms the Far Right after Facebook Deplatformed Them
Despite sharp rise in white nationalist violence toward minorities
Tipping Point: For 1st Time in US History, Renewables made more Electricity than Coal in April
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Avery Thompson Popular Mechanics reports that in the month of April for the first time in US history, the country produced more electricity with renewables than with coal. Part of the solution to this puzzle is economic. In much of the US, Thompson notes, you could actually make more money […]
The Democrats can Crush unpopular Trump in 2020, but only if they Run to the Left
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A new CNN/SSRS poll of about 1,000 people shows that among a random sample of registered voters, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden each crush Trump by 6 to 7 points, even at this very early point in the campaign. Kamala Harris also wins, but by a smaller margin. This poll […]
Super-Majority of Arab Youth in New Poll say Religion too Important in Public Life
Fully 79%, almost 4 in 5, say that the Arab world desperately needs to reform its religious institutions
Mueller thinks Trump Committed Obstruction: Why he Wrote to Barr and why Barr Lied
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment): Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky at WaPo broke the story that Special Counsel Bob Mueller wrote a sharp letter to Attorney General William Barr to protest the 4-page summary Barr put out before releasing the Mueller report to the public. The letter was private but someone just leaked it to WaPo. […]
In our National Interest? 250K Yemenis now Starving to Death, with 233K already dead in Trump-Backed War
140,000 of the dead are children under 5
Scottish Gov’t Announces ‘Climate Emergency’ in response to Extinction Rebellion Call
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon of the social-democratic Scottish National Party has called a “climate emergency,” doing so in response to a call from “Extinction Rebellion Scotland.” The latter is a youth protest group that has staged walk-outs from high schools and engaged in civil disobedience in numerous cities around […]
Hatred of One is Hatred of All: San Diego Synagogue Shooter had Attempted to Burn down Mosque
Earnest is an object lesson in the intersection of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism