Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A new Associated Press – NORC Poll finds that a majority of Americans, 53%, want Congress to go on investigating Trump even after the close of the Mueller investigation. (The raw data for the poll is here.) Since they saw Trump fire Comey after pressuring him to assure the president […]
How Bernie Sanders trounced Fox on Medicare for All, and why a Carbon Tax could help Pay for It
I say, apply the proceeds of a carbon tax to funding medicare for all
On the Universalism of Notre Dame, from Muslim Arches to the Goddess of Reason
It is a world-historical edifice, reflecting the light mysticism of Plato and the pointed arches of Zoroastrian Iran and Abbasid Baghdad
How Classic Anti-Semitic Tropes are being Marshaled against Ilhan Omar and Muslim-Americans
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The attacks on Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslim-American women to serve in Congress and the first of Black African heritage who veils, by the Rupert Murdoch press (Fox, New York Post, etc.) and the US Republican Party are frightening for many reasons, but most of all because […]
Why isn’t the Democratic Party Leadership coming to Ilhan Omar’s Defense?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Nancy Pelosi’s response to Donald Trump’s tweet lying about Ilhan Omar and maliciously twisting her words to make her seem virtually an al-Qaeda sympathizer was so anodyne that Pelosi didn’t even mention Omar’s name. The leadership of the Democratic Party is not coming to the defense of Rep. Omar because […]
Republicans & Rupert Murdoch Created al-Qaeda when Ilhan Omar’s Somalia upheld Scientific Socialism
As for Somalia, from 1969 to 1990 it was ruled by a secular system of Scientific Socialism and disallowed the Muslim Brotherhood
Netanyahu’s Reelection Further Dooms Millions of Palestinians to Decades of Statelessness, Denial of Basic Rights
I once heard an Israeli historian say that the Israelis had by now done to the Palestinians everything the Nazis did to the Jews by 1939
Peak Crisis in Sudan as Army elements side with Youth, Women against Dictator Bashir
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Omar Hassan al-Bashir, b. 1944, has been deposed as president of Sudan in the wake of a military coup, according to Alarabiya (United Arab Emirates). Alarabiya also says that current and former government officials have been detained by the coup-makers. As I write, the state television has gone blank and […]
Zionist OA’s Mort Klein uses House Panel on White Nationalism to spread anti-Muslim Blood Libel
Zionist Organization of America head Morton Klein testified Tuesday before a congressional inquiry into white nationalism and promptly excused white nationalism. Klein denied that the Tree of Life synagogue shooter or the New Zealand mosque shooter were animated by right wing ideas. Rafi Schwartz at Splinter observed, “Klein conveniently neglected to mention that the Tree […]