Locals say the climate has become unusually unpredictable over their lifetimes
The Qur’an insists that Synagogues and Churches be Preserved and Respected
“They should not have entered them save in fearful reverence.”
‘This has Got to End’: Trump Admin. Gives Saudis 30 Days to Start Yemen Talks
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have abruptly called for an end to the Saudi-backed quagmire in Yemen, after years of backing the war over alleged Iranian involvement. Speaking at the Congressionally mandated US Institute for Peace on Tuesday, Mattis said according to the BBC […]
Top 5 Mistakes GOP’s Wohl Made in allegedly framing Mueller for Sex Charges
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) | – 1. Republican activist Jacob Wohl allegedly set up a phony company called “Surefire Intelligence,” charged with paying supposed women victims of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to allege sexual abuse. Wohl used his own email address to set up the site, and give his mother’s telephone number as the contact. […]
The GOP’s Dark Side: Trumpism puts Jews and other Minorities in the Crosshairs
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Republican Party is not directly responsible for the spike in hate crimes toward minorities. But it is indirectly responsible in three ways: 1. The party has largely allowed itself to be captured by the alien ideology of Trumpism 2. The party is running at least 16 far, far right […]
In the Muslim Scriptures, making Peace takes Precedence (re: Juan’s new Book)
The chapter of The Cow in the Qur’an, 2:224, says, “Do not render your oaths in God’s name an obstacle to being pious and godfearing, or to making peace among people. Truly God is All-Hearing, Omniscient.” As with many Qur’an verses, the exact issue here is not clear, since the Prophet Muhammad recited the Muslim […]
Does anti-Muslimism enable anti-Semitism?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The outbreak of violence in the past week by two far right extremists, one of them a big Trump fan and the other inspired by Trump talking points but somewhat to the president’s right, has been deeply entangled with violence against minorities. Cesar Sayoc, the would-be pipe bomber, targeted billionaire […]
Trump Coddled White Nat’lists as “Very Fine People,” Now they’re Shooting up Synagogues
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The horrific shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue that left 11 dead and more injured was a further manifestation of far right anti-Semitism. At Charlottesville last year, Neo-Nazis celebrating Trump’s advent in the White House chanted “You will not replace us/ Jews will not replace us!” They were referring to a […]
Suggestive Terrorism: Trump, Pipe Bomber and the ISIL Technique
The attempted pipe bombings directed at former US president Barack Obama, former vice president Joe Biden, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, former attorney General Eric Holder and several other targets of the wrath of Donald Trump are unlikely to be the last acts of terrorism galvanized by Trump’s savaging of his perceived enemies. Trump […]