Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – If the allegations of Professor Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh are true, then he was a juvenile criminal. He and a friend plotted out how to get girls inebriated, force them into an upstairs side room, turn up the music to drown out screams, jump on top of them, […]
If Brett Kavanaugh were African-American, Would he be Going to Jail instead of to SCOTUS?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Brett Kavanaugh may or may not be an attempted rapist, but one thing is clear. The Republican senators are according him all the honors of white privilege. That includes a presumption of innocence that statistically speaking, white juries do not accord African-American defendants. One in every six women in the […]
Trump Humiliates, Squeezes Saudi Ally: ‘Pay up–you wouldn’t last 2 Weeks w/out US Army’
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump, speaking at a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday night, went out of his way to humiliate Saudi King Salman, his close ally in his attempt to corral Iran. “We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they’re rich? And I love the King, King Salman. But I said, ‘King – […]
New Shiite-led Gov’t in Baghdad: How Iran won the Iraqi Elections & Frustrated Trump
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Shiite politician Adil Abdul Mahdi has been appointed prime minister by new Iraqi president Barham Saleh, bringing to a close months of gridlock in Iraqi politics after the parliamentary elections in June failed to produce a clear winner. Parliament in the past couple of weeks has finally been able to […]
Top Five Signs Kavanaugh might have been a mean, Black-out Drunk Capable of Anything
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – George W. Bush is supporting Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. But Bush is more honest than the judge. He was asked by journalists during one of his campaigns if he had ever used cocaine. He made waves when he declined to answer the question. He later admitted that the reason he did […]
“We Fell in Love”: The Trump-Kim Jong Un RomCom
Also, “I love Saudi Arabia!”
55% of GOP say Sexual Assault not Disqualifying for SCOTUS; What is *Wrong* with Them?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – What in the world is wrong with self-identified Republicans in the United States. I mean, look, I’m a historian and a world traveler. I get that different people have different ways of looking at the world, different norms and customs. It is to be expected. But the blatant amorality of […]
15 Years after US Occupied Iraq, it is too Unsafe for Trump Admin to keep a Consulate There
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A little over 15 years after the United States invaded and occupied Iraq on false pretences, the Department of State has been forced to close the US consulate in Basra because the US cannot guarantee its security. Basra has been roiled this summer by huge protests against lack of services […]
Lindsey Graham disregards Violence toward Women, & his State is a Women’s Murder Capital
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made it abundantly clear in the hearing on Thursday that he cares more about Republican Party control of the Supreme Court than about rape victims. He implied that the charges of sexual assault that have surfaced against Brett Kavanaugh are a Democratic Party plot to deny Trump a Supreme Court justice. […]