Hossein Kazempour Ardebili was quoted by the Iranian Press on Thursday as saying that Trump’s Twitter activity is roiling the oil markets
Trump sidelined as UN Security Council plus Germany Meet Iran’s Rouhani in Vienna
Before Trump, the idea of the UN Security Council meeting without the US would have been hard to imagine
Top 3 Grievances against Trump the Founders would have Had
In the section of the Declaration of Independence on grievances, there are a number of paragraphs that resonate with today’s politics. The whole authoritarian thrust of Trumpism, with the disregard for rule of law and for checks and balances among the branches of government, runs counter to the key concerns of the Founders. *Trump keeps […]
Whitey on the Moon Again?
The likelihood is that the government will pay for the lunar space station with borrowed money, making it enormously expensive
Trump Luminaries at Iranian Jihadi Cult Conference in Paris while Excluding Nice Iranians from Immigration
Many Trump stalwarts have a peculiar, paid position as lobbyists for a group aiming to overthrow the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
No, Saudi Can’t Save Trump from High Gas Prices
It would take up to a year for Saudi Arabia to ramp up production to its maximum theoretical capacity
Report: Trump hopes for Deal with Putin over Iran in Syria, US Exit
The plan is apparently for the US to allow the government of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to recover the southern reaches of the country
Annapolis Massacre: A moment to Consider Trump’s Opposition to Gun Safety Laws, Hatred of Journalists
Trump continues to foment an extremely dangerous atmosphere for the practice of journalism and of democracy
Turkey, Iraq and China defy Trump on new Iran Sanctions, Act to Hold Tehran Harmless
The Trump administration is unlikely to have the same success in getting other countries to boycott Iranian petroleum as did Obama