Winning isn’t enough. The Left must prepare to govern
The Seventh Exclusion: Great Moments in American Racist Immigration History
US history is replete with racism as public policy
New Light on the Arabian Religious Background of Islam?
Aside from the Qur’an itself, all the sources we have were written down after the Abbasid Revolution of 750 against the Umayyads
No, Iran’s Grand Bazaar Protest doesn’t mean the Government or Economy is Collapsing
These were rallies of the economically privileged
Warning to US: Erdogan has used same techniques as Trump to de-Democratize Turkey
Erdogan’s rise as an authoritarian strong man is a key lesson to America about how Trump could move the US in a similar direction
Sarah Sanders complains about not being served in Restaurant after Urging same Treatment of Gays, Immigrants
Sara Sanders complained on Twitter about not being served at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. WaPo reports that the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, insisted that patrons uphold standards of honesty and compassion, and that Sanders flacks for an “inhumane and unethical” administration, defending Trump’s “cruelest policies.” Wilkinson’s grounds for not serving the White House […]
The American March to Inequality: Why the UN Alston Report Alarms the Trump Plutocrats
The US would require a social revolution to even resemble France or Germany
#Bringbackourgirls: How Trump made the US into Boko Haram
One of the horrible practices of the radical group was stealing children from their parents and making them disappear into “social death”
Not only Is Trump’s Refugee Policy Morally Wrong, it is Illegal in US and Int’l Law
The US is a signatory state to a 1967 protocol that binds it to act in concert with the UN High Commissioner on Refugees