Global heating is a vastly bigger danger to us than terrorism or war
It’s all about the Midterms: Trump took those Children Hostage to Stoke his Base
Some 46% of Republicans approve of separating children from their parents at the border, according to an Ipsos poll done for the Daily Beast
Top Six Dictators who also Divided Children from Parents like Trump/Sessions
Some of the most notorious dictators of the modern era separated parents from their children
With new pro-Iran Iraq Coalition, Tehran Outmaneuvers Trump-Saudi-Israeli Axis
Trump allegedly complained to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that after the 2015 nuclear deal, the Iranians “think they can do anything they want”
Americans won’t ‘Sit Up’ for Great Leader Trump, because They Don’t Approve of Him
Fully 58% of Americans say that they have no or almost no areas of agreement with Trump
In Quoting Bible on Tearing Children from Parents, Sessions Echoes Israeli Practices
The Israeli army takes away the children, sometimes in the dark of night, without informing the parents of the minors
120 Nations Condemn Israel for Gaza Shootings, including Russia, China, France & 11 other European States
Human Rights Watch concluded that there are credible grounds for charging Israeli officials with war crimes
Top 8 Ways Iran Deal was Way Better than Trump’s North Korea Commitment
Trump’s agreement with Kim Jong Un appears to be much worse for US interests than the supposedly awful Iran Deal
If Obama had met with Kim Jong Un, the Republican Party would have had a Cow
The depths of hypocrisy of the Republican Party in supporting Trump’s meeting with the North Korean dictator in Singapore are hard to plumb