By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Matt Apuzzo of the New York Times reports that FBI agents produced a warrant at the offices in the Rockefeller Center of Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, that allowed them to gain access and to spend hours going through and confiscating documents and equipment. Trump lambasted […]
Peace in Islam: Qur’an 73:10 on Patience as Tolerance
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Chapter 73 of the Qur’an, “The Robed” (Al-Muzammil), contains what is probably the earliest Islamic injunction to turn the other cheek. 8 Remember the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him wholeheartedly– 9 the Lord of the East and the West. There is no god save He, so […]
Syrian Regime kills dozens in Chem attack on Douma Holdout Enclave: Why?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Saudi-backed fundamentalist militia “Army of Islam” in the Douma district of East Ghouta near Damascus alleged Sunday that the al-Assad regime had dropped a barrel bomb full of chlorine and other chemicals on the rebel enclave on Saturday. Initial reports said that some 41, including […]
Three Countries show how Near a 100% Green Grid is
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The aspiration for a 100% green electricity grid is no longer a dream. It is regularly being achieved in the real world for weeks or months on end. This development is absolutely crucial, since burning fossil fuels at the rate we are burning them is rapidly […]
Trump wants out of Syria within 6 months, Seeks Saudi Aid: AP
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – AP’s Josh Lederman reports that on Tuesday, Trump told national security aides meeting in the White House that his patience is running out with the Syria operation. “I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home. I want to start rebuilding our […]
Top 5 Ways Iran is not very much like Hitler’s Germany
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In that interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman violated Godwin’s law and compared Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s clerical leader, to Hitler. The comparison is monstrous. Here are a few reasons why. 1. Iran has not invaded Poland. In fact, Iran hasn’t invaded […]
Is Saudi Crown Prince’s ‘Recognition’ of Israel anything New or Positive?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Former Israeli prison guard at the notorious Ktzi’ot Prison camp for Palestinians and now editor-in-chief of the Atlantic, Cpl. Jeffrey Goldberg, breathlessly reported that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman told him that both the Jews and the Palestinians have a right to their own state. […]
Shooting Protesters in Cold Blood: How Israel became a Typical Middle Eastern Dictatorship
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Israeli army snipers who were ordered to shoot unarmed Palestinian protesters last Friday at the Gaza border, killing 17 outright and wounding hundreds of others, were acting according to the contemporary script of Middle Eastern dictators. The Israeli army initially admitted in a tweet that […]
Saudi Prince: War with Iran in 10-15 Years w/out new Sanctions
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Arabic press is reacting to remarks of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the Wal Street Journal warning of war with Iran unless more severe economic and military sanctions are applied to that country. Bin Salman’s analysis, as usual, is both incredibly self-serving and […]