By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for senate in Alabama, was rocked by scandal this week, as a woman accused him of initiating sexual contact with her when she was only 14. Moore was twice removed as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for refusing to […]
Syria: If ISIL is dire threat, why isn’t its Defeat bigger News?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Syrian regime announced Wednesday that its army, supported by the Lebanese Shiite militia, Hizbullah and Iraqi Shiite militia, took control of the city of Al-Bu Kamal, the last base for ISIL on the Syrian-Iraqi border, after battles with the terrorist organization. At the same time, […]
Le Pen Stripped of Immunity for Tweeting Gruesome IS Images
TeleSur | – – Circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity” is a crime punishable in France by up to three years’ imprisonment. France’s National Assembly has lifted far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s immunity from prosecution after she posted pictures on Twitter of Islamic State (IS) atrocities. The decision […]
Trump only president not invited to Paris Climate Summit
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Europe1 is reporting that French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that “for the moment” US head of state Donald J. Trump is not invited to the international conference on the climate to be held in Paris in the wake of COP23 in Berlin on 17 November. […]
Saudi Official views Lebanon as “at war with us”
Riyadh’s struggle with Iran and Hizbullah sours relationship with Beirut
Trump: Why didn’t ‘Samurai Japan’ shoot down N. Korea Missiles?
TeleSur | – – The revelation comes after Trump warned that Asia should fear a robust military stance by Japan, “a warrior nation.” A perplexed President Donald Trump once noted that he couldn’t understand why Japan, a country of “samurai warriors” did not shoot down North Korean missiles, according to reports. The U.S. leader’s opinion […]
Congress’ Tax Plan is a give-way to the Rich, not a Reform
True tax reform would help working and middle classes
Saudi Saturday Night Massacre: Billionaire Bin Talal, dozens of others Arrested
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – King Salman of Saudi Arabia created a high-powered “anti-corruption” commission on Saturday, appointing his son, the crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman, to head it. The committee is a sort of star chamber, with wide powers to freeze bank accounts, ground private jets, and order suspects jailed. […]
Rick Perry has it Backwards: Oil causes Mass Rape
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Somehow Secretary of Energy Rick Perry managed to find Africa, and while he was there, he learned that a lot of people don’t have electricity. In a news conference this week, he expressed the opinion that fossil fuels would prevent sexual assault. Perry said, assaulting and […]