By Reese Erlich | ( )- – In Washington DC, Trump’s moves against the Iran nuclear agreement are seen as getting tough on a dangerous enemy. In Iran, they are seen as the first steps towards another war in the Mideast. Last week, Trump refused to certify the nuclear agreement. Under that accord Iran […]
The Break-Up of America: Donald Trump and the Fourth Great Shattering
By John Feffer | ( ) | – – When the historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., published his bestseller The Disuniting of America in 1991, he didn’t seriously entertain the worst-case scenario suggested by the title. At the time, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were imploding, while separatist movements in Quebec, East Timor, Spain’s Basque […]
Fading ISIL in Syria lashes out, kills 128 in reprisals as Gov’t takes back Town
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The so-called Islamic State group of Syria and Iraq, which locals call Daesh (in US, it is ISIS or ISIL), needs a new name. It hardly exists in either of those countries, much less as a state. Maybe “Losers anywhere” would work for them. The extremists, […]
Sen. Lindsey Graham surprised at US Troops in Niger? He could have read Nick Turse
By Jon Queally, staff writer. | ( ” – – Graham Should Read More Nick Turse, TomDispatch, and Common Dreams. What U.S. Senators Don’t Know (and Neither Do You) About What the Pentagon Is Doing in Africa Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of the Senate’s most outspoken military hawks and member of the powerful […]
The economic case for solarizing Puerto Rico’s power grid (Video)
Jon LaPook | (CBS This Morning Video Interview) | – –
Tillerson tells Iraqi Shiite Militias to “go home.” Sad.
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump-style ignorance and faux pas are spreading, with Tillerson making missteps on Iraq. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for consultations, called on Iranian militias in Iraq to “go home.” There is one problem. There are no Iranian militias in Iraq. The Popular […]
No, Trump, British Crime isn’t going up because of Muslims
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Hate crimes are up 30% in the UK over the previous year, rising from 62,518 reported offenses in 2015-16 (the year ends in March). The following year, 2016-17, that number rose to 80,393. Brexit and Islamophobic reactions against extremist terrorism are thought to explain the increase. […]
Extremists, So-Called Muslims, bomb Mosques in Afghanistan, Killing Dozens
TeleSur | – – Over the past week, the Taliban has led a number of attacks in the country. Suicide bombers have attacked two mosques in Afghanistan, killing at least 72 people, including several children. In Kabul, a bomber detonated an explosive in a Shia mosque during Friday prayers. The interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said […]
Can we ever Clean Torrents of Plastic Dumped in the Oceans?
By Baher Kamal | (Inter Press Service) | – – ROME (IPS) – With 30 countries from Kenya to Indonesia and from Canada to Brazil now involved in the world campaign to beat pollution by countering the torrents of plastic trash that are degrading oceans and endangering the life they sustain, the UN has strengthened […]