Lobbying and Secret Money in Administration is worse than Citizens United
Merkel barely holds on as Neo-Fascists enter German Parliament
Alarming rise of racist Right in German politics
“Those People:” Trump plays to White nat’lism from N. Korea to NFL
President’s tweetstorm appeals to racial division
New Customized Muslim Banned planned by Trump
Xenophobic policy will harm US Economy
Failing dam in Puerto Rico, endangering 70,000, a reminder that Climate Denialism Kills
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Trump, notoriously, tweeted that climate change is a Chinese hoax. Some 70,000 US citizens in Puerto Rico living along the Guajataca River are in danger as a dam in the vicinity is failing. Built in the 1920s, the earthen dam faces a drainage problem in […]
As Muslims rally for the Rohingya, what About the Rest of Us?
By John Feffer | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) | – – If only Muslims reach out to help the Rohingya, the international community will suffer another blow to its reputation. They were Muslims, and they were leaving the country in droves. Their homeland, a remote corner of a multiethnic country, had become a […]
Iranian Leader: Trump is “Disturbed,” speaks like a Cowboy or Mobster
Iran president: if Trump reneges on nuclear deal, no one will ever trust the US again
Tweeting while the Planet Burns: Dystopia 2025
From Afghanistan to Houston, US policy gone awry
The Anti-Bouazizi: Did Russia try to ‘flash mob’ a Trump Victory?
Internet manipulation extended into real life rallies