By Sarah van Gelder | Yes! Magazine | – – The companies responsible for the climate crisis should cover the costs of fighting wildfires and recovering from hurricanes. Pacific Northwest forests are on fire. Several blazes are out of control, threatening rural towns, jumping rivers and highways, and covering Portland, Oregon, Seattle, and other cities […]
Are US troops in Afghanistan causing Talibanism?
By Ann Jones | ( | – – Here we go again! Years after most Americans forgot about the longest war this country ever fought, American soldiers are again being deployed to Afghanistan. For almost 16 years now, at the command of three presidents and a sadly forgettable succession of generals, they have gone […]
Iraq Supreme Court strikes down Kurdistan referendum, Clashes in Kirkuk
Can Iraq survive Kurdistan nationalism?
Muslim Rohingya Refugees from Burma: “The Army… burned down my house.”
TeleSur | – – “The army came and burned down my house. I was inside the house at that time,” one survivor said. Rohingya refugees arriving at treatment centers in Bangladesh covered in burns have told of an increased wave of violence against Muslims by the government’s military offensive. “The army came and they burned […]
China to buy $300 mn. in Lab-Grown Meat from Israel
Environmentally friendly product could reduce carbon emissions, avoid killing of animals
Hamas pledges to dissolve Gaza administration, hold elections
Decade-long political division among Palestinians may be overcome
Trump as Stephen King’s ‘It’: Lashing out at Clinton, N. Korea
Trump’s foreign policy is as petulant as his political snark
Iraqi PM to Secessionist Kurds: “You’re Playing with Fire!”
Kurdish nationalism threatens integrity of four Mideast States
Can Turkey’s Erdogan ride Rohingya Crisis to global Muslim Leadership?
Turkey’s President has ambitions to lead the Muslim world