By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Many of the reactions to Stephen Miller’s announcement of Trump’s proposed immigration policies have pulled at the heart strings. People on social media have been remembering their own grandparents, who came to the US without knowing English and without higher degrees but made something of themselves. […]
The Dragon Arrives: 1st Chinese overseas Military Base in Djibouti
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – China has just inaugurated its first military base abroad, in the tiny Red Sea country of Djibouti. Beijing has a long way to go to catch up with the United States, which is estimated to have some 800 military bases around the world. In fact, you […]
Top 6 Falsehoods Embraced by new WH Chief of Staff John Kelly
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – John Kelly will get a lot of good will from having fired the foul-mouthed Anthony Scaramucci. But should he? At least Scaramucci had been gunning for Steve Bannon, the scary far, far right wing white nationalist who serves as White House strategist. You have a sense […]
Al-Sadr in Jidda: Are Saudis looking for channel to Iran, or anti-Iran Client?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Sunday paid a visit to Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea port, Jidda, at the invitation of the Saudi royal family. He was hosted by Crown Prince Muhmmad bin Salman, who is acting head of state while his father is on vacation. […]
On one day in May, Italy got 87% of its Electricity from Renewables
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – * On one day in May, Italy met 87% of its electricity production needs from renewables. This statistic was a fluke, since ordinarily renewables supply less than a fifth of Italy’s electricity. Still, that on especially bright and windy days, the renewables can perform at this […]
Top 5 Trump Secrets of Sadism, from Trans People to Priebus to Police
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump is a “Tyrannical Sadist”. It may not be a personality disorder in the latest diagnostic manual on its own any more (it was considered too close to Anti-Social Personality Disorder) , but it is kind of like pornography. You know it when you see it. […]
Shell, terrified of EVs, expects ‘low forever’ Gasoline Prices; it is too Optimistic
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Telegraph reports that Royal Dutch Shell, the massive oil company, has abruptly decided that petroleum prices are likely to remain low “forever,” given the rise of the electric vehicle. France and Britain have both just vowed that they will have no gasoline vehicles by 2040, […]
Mideast’s ‘Only Democracy’ joins push to Silence Al Jazeera: Netanyahu
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump has his Twitter. Apparently far right wing Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has his Facebook. In a Facebook posting, Netanyahu vowed to close the Jerusalem office of the Qatar-backed Al Jazeera satellite news station. Failing that, he said, he would introduce legislation to ban Al […]
Is Trump’s Cabinet Collapsing?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump keeps tweaking his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, in press interviews and on twitter, complaining bitterly that Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, which started in motion the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel. Trump seems to imagine that if only he could get […]