By Juan Cole | – – In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, the regime of Bashar al-Assad and its Russian backer have thrown caution to the wind. No less than the Republican Congress, Damascus and Moscow know that Barack Obama is a lame duck. Understanding that Trump campaigned on giving Syria to […]
Fidel Castro’s Top Moments in the Middle East
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Fidel Castro is dead at 90. He presided over the only pro-USSR Communist state in the Western Hemisphere, and was therefore a thorn in the side of Washington, which insists on hegemony and capitalism in the New World. Castro was the last of the Communist guerrillas […]
Is Trump “Pro-Russian?” How will Russia Fare? Russians want to Know
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Russian op-ed writers are intrigued with Donald Trump, who has spoken of improving relations between the US and the Russian Federation. But they want to know what the bottom line will be, given his equally strong tough guy bluster. An editorial in the Russian […]
IC Annual Fundraiser: Now more than Ever
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Let’s get this done, friends. I can’t do it all by myself, and need your contributions to succeed. Since 2002, Informed Comment has stood against lies and propaganda, against bigotry, against injustice, and for reasoned and fact-based public discourse about the pressing public policy issues facing […]
DAPL: This Thanksgiving, Time to Listen to Native Americans again on Climate & Survival
Revised and updated. By Juan Cole | — The popular story about Thanksgiving is an environmental parable that we would do well to remember today. It was a harvest festival in 1621, participated in by the 50 (out of 100) survivors at Plymouth Plantation and 90 Native Americans. Some of these latter, such as Squanto, […]
Will Turkey leave NATO for Sino-Russian Shanghai Cooperation Council?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan is talking about joining the Shanghai Cooperation Council as a full member as a reaction to his frustrations with the European Union. Erdogan’s massive crackdown on dissidents after the July 15 failed revolution has led to 110,000 people being fired from their […]
American Muslims & the Trump Administration with Juan Cole
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs | Video Interview | – – “The election of Donald Trump was a shock to the American political system and, in its wake, many are deeply concerned about what his ascendancy will mean for the civil rights of minority groups. History Professor Juan Cole, an expert on the […]
Will Trump bolster the Military-Industrial Complex?
By William D. Hartung | ( ) | – – As with so much of what Donald Trump has said in recent months, his positions on Pentagon spending are, to be polite, a bundle of contradictions. Early signs suggest, however, that those contradictions are likely to resolve themselves in favor of the usual suspects: […]
CNN’s Chyron wonders if Jews are People, inspired by Trumpist Neofascism
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Richard Spencer is a rock star of the Neofascist movement that hides behind the euphemism “alt-right.” (Since they’re always going on about how manly white people are, why don’t they man up and admit their Nazism? Why hide behind weak tea like a keyboard pun?). Trump’s […]