By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – As I write, the full story behind the heinous San Bernardino shootings, which left 14 dead and 17 wounded, is still not known. The names of the two shooters have been released, which may or may not be very pertinent to the incident. It may have […]
Senators McCain & Lindsay want to “Reoccupy” Iraq and Invade Syria: Should We?
Guest post from Brian Glyn Williams on viable strategy to diminish terrorist attacks in the West.
8,124 Murders by Firearm in US in 2014 vs. 29 (Equiv. 144) in UK
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Revised The United States continues to be peculiar in handing out powerful magazine-fed firearms to almost anyone who wants one and not requiring background checks on private purchases even if these are made at gun shows. 80% of civilian-owned firearms world-wide are in the US, and […]
US to send Spec Ops troops to Iraq to fight ISIL, but do Iraqis want them?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced Tuesday that the US would send more Special Operations troops to Iraq to fight Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) both in Iraq and in Syria. They would coordinate with and reinforce the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish peshmerga. It looked to […]
Putin: Turkey was protecting ISIL oil Smuggling; Russia urges Assad-Kurdish Alliance
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday in Paris that his government had intelligence that the reason Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet last week was to protect oil smuggling from Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) through Turkey. Putin said, “”We have every reason to think that the […]
Turkey’s Coup against Press, own Generals over Arms Supplies to Syrian Militants
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Turkey has jailed two very prominent journalists for publishing video last May of a January, 2014, Turkish intelligence convoy of weapons to Syrian militants. When I say prominent, I mean prominent. They are Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul. […]
Turkey reels as Putin imposes Stiff Economic Sanctions
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Russian sanctions announced by President Vladimir Putin on Saturday could have a severe impact on the Turkish economy. It is not clear whether President Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu did not expect this severe a reaction to the shoot-down of a Russian fighter […]
Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Americans are more at risk from violence by armed white Christian fanatics than they ever were from Muslims. Abortion clinics have been targeted for violence by fundamentalist Christians of a violent bent for decades. In 2009, Dr. George Tiller was relentlessly shot to death by Scott […]
Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Reprint edn. 1. White terrorists are called “gunmen.” What does that even mean? A person with a gun? Wouldn’t that be, like, everyone in the US? Other terrorists are called, like, “terrorists.” 2. White terrorists are “troubled loners.” Other terrorists are always suspected of being part […]