By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Russian plans hit 20 targets in Syria on Tuesday according to the Ministry of Defense in Moscow. Among them were a training camp for terrorists in the countryside around the city of Idlib, and another facility in the outskirts of the port city of Latakia. The […]
No, Donald Trump, Mideast wouldn’t be more Stable under Saddam & other Dictators
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump alleged this weekend that “of course” the Middle East would be more stable if dictators like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still around or if Bashar al-Assad could be restored in Syria. The mistake Mr. Trump is making is to think ahistorically, that […]
Facing ISIL Propaganda, Russia Denies its Syria Campaign is a “Holy War”
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Remember when George W. Bush lapsed and called his Iraq War a “crusade?” He had to back off that religious rhetoric really quickly because he needed Muslim allies. Now the Russian Orthodox Church has made a similar error. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin said that his church supports […]
Syria: Is there a Russian-Iranian Dispute over Fate of al-Assad?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Russia and Iran don’t see eye to eye about the future of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad after their military intervention in the civil war, according to correspondent Basil Muhammad of the Kuwaiti dailiy al-Siyasah (“Politics”). Mr. Muhammad says he interviewed a member of the Iraqi parliament […]
Deal with Saudis? Why does the US care if Russia bombs al-Qaeda and its Allies in Syria?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Obama on Friday pledged not to turn Syria into an arena for a proxy war between the US and the Russian Federation. But he went on to criticize president Vladimir Putin for attempting to prop up Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad and predicted that Syria under […]
Mercer, targeting Christians, kills 1/3 the annual gunshot death toll in England
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The shooter at Umpqua Community college in Roseberg, Oregon, Chris Harper Mercer, had three hand guns, likely semi-automatics, and an assault rifle. He killed 9 people on campus and wounded at least 7, before he was himself shot and killed. He asked people their religion and […]
It is Israel that abrogated Oslo Peace Accords, as Netanyahu Boasted
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestine, renounced the Oslo Peace accords Wednesday, on the grounds that Israel itself has long since reneged on every key provision in that agreement. Abbas said, “Thus, we declare that as long as Israel refuses to commit to the agreements signed with […]
The Final Collapse of Bush’s Nation-Building: Kunduz falls to Taliban
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Monday, the Taliban swept into the provincial capital of Kunduz, taking it in half a day from a large and well-equipped Afghan National Army force. Tuesday’s riposte had only mixed success, with the ANA saying it had taken back the (no-empty) prison. An attempt to […]
Why Obama and Putin are Both Wrong on Syria
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Obama seemed awfully defensive in his speech at the United Nations on Monday. The reason is not far to seek. Russia’s Vladimir Putin has surprised Washington by volunteering to get militarily involved in Syria and by arguing that only by enlisting the Baath regime of […]