(By Lauren McCauley) The 150 million Americans routinely exposed to toxic air as a result of oil and gas drilling need better protection from their government, demanded a coalition of 64 environmental and community groups, who on Tuesday filed a petition (pdf) asking the Environmental Protection Agency to set limits on the air pollutants emitted […]
5 Reasons India’s new BJP (“Tea Party”) Government may not be so Great for Business
(By Juan Cole) The victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India’s elections is being hailed in some Western media as a hopeful sign for US-Indian trade and for Indian business. But like the US Tea Party movement, it is rent by internal contradictions that could derail such aspirations. The BJP has many resemblances […]
FCC Votes To “Fast Track” Death Of Net Neutrality
There’s good news: the nationwide outcry against the Federal Communications Commission’s troublesome proposal for new Open Internet rules is clearly having an impact. At a public meeting this morning, commissioners were factoring in questions that…
On Sunday, 75% of Germany’s Electricity came from Renewables
En route to its 2050 Energiewende goal of 80% of the nation’s power being supplied by renewables, especially spurred on by the phaseout of nuclear reactors, Germany broke another renewable energy record on Sunday, May 11, 2014. Europe’s biggest…
Sudan judge orders Christian woman to hang for apostasy
A Sudanese judge on Thursday sentenced a heavily pregnant Christian woman to hang for apostasy, a ruling which Britain denounced as “barbaric” and left the United States “deeply disturbed”. Born to a Muslim father, the woman was convicted under the…
#FreeAzyz spreads on social media as Tunisian blogger-revolutionary is arrested for pot
(Via Your Middle East) Smoking weed or hash is punishable with between one and five years in jail in Tunisia, a law currently used against cyber-activism icon Azyz. On Monday 12 the Tunisian cyber-activism icon Azyz Amami and photographer Sabri Ben Mlouka were arrested in La Goulette, a seaside suburb to Tunis, accused of being […]
Mass Protests, Strikes in Turkey over Erdogan’s Neoliberal Response to Miner Deaths
(By Juan Cole) Turkey’s Public Workers Union Confederation announced a one-day strike to demand better worker safety and political protests have broken out Friday in a number of Turkish cities over deaths of nearly 300 miners. Thousands protested in the Mediterranean port of Izmir, for instance. The tragic deaths at a coal mine in Soma […]
Greenwald: NSA sneaking backdoors into hardware exports
Glenn Greenwald has accused the US National Security Agency (NSA) of inserting backdoors for surveillance purposes into servers being exported to other countries. The irony here is that this is just the sort of thing that the US government has in the…
Rising Numbers of Palestinian Children Subjected to Solitary Confinement
Rising Numbers of Palestinian Children Subjected to Solitary Confinement (via PRWeb) A new report from Defense for Children International Palestine (DCI-Palestine) finds that in 21.4 percent of cases documented in 2013, children detained in the Israeli military detention system reported undergoing solitary confinement as part of the… ——- Related video: The Guardian: “Cell 36: […]