(By Juan Cole) Karl Rove was reported to have raised questions about Hillary Clinton’s mental well-being because of her fall in late 2012. He later walked back his allegation, but not too much. It is of course Rove who has careened about deeply harming the US because of some mysterious malady (more likely lack of […]
John Oliver: What if TV Climate Debates were 97 to 3 as in Real Science?
“John Oliver hosts a mathematically representative climate change debate, with the help of special guest Bill Nye the Science Guy, of course.” John Oliver LastWeekTonight: “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Climate Change Debate”
Reich on Obama Walmart Photo-Op: “What numbskull arranged this?”
(By John Queally) A low-wage Walmart employee in California has a simple message for President Obama on behalf of the millions of workers who find themselves in situations just like hers: "Help us." President Obama's … speaking engagement at a Walmart superstore in California on Friday has attracted widespread criticism for those who think the […]
US Military Report: War effort in Afghanistan was bedeviled by Corruption, made it Worse
Enlarge Air Force aerial porters load a shipping container onto a C-130 Hercules cargo plane at Forward Operating Base Salerno, Khost Province, Afghanistan, Sept. 22, 2013. The 19th MCT, a small squadron of Air Force surface movement controllers and…
Dear GOP: Here are Some Basic Real Questions to ask about Benghazi & CIA
(By Michael G. Roskin) With a Congressional committee about to seize on the Benghazi question (as part of the 2014 election campaign), some previously unasked but basic questions should come before the committee: Who was the consul? Yes, the person—a State Department Foreign Service Officer—-in charge of a consulate. (A consul general is in charge […]
Israeli Squatter anti-Church Terror in Jerusalem “Poisons” Papal visit
(By Juan Cole) The Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, has said that Israeli squatter attacks on and desecration of Christian churches has poisoned the atmosphere in advance of Pope Francis’s planned visit to Jerusalem. Suspected Israeli extremist squatters have committed 24 acts of vandalism against Jerusalem churches in the past year, many of them […]
New Study Ties California Drought to Fossil Fuel-Driven Climate Change
New Study Links California Drought to Climate Change and Burning of Fossil Fuels (via Desmogblog) Sat, 2014-05-10 09:07Chris Rose California, widely considered the U.S. state that most promoted the American Dream, may turn into a nightmare this summer as a result of the worst drought in at least 15 years. And a new academic study suggests […]
Kochs slammed by GOPer for plan to cripple wind power in Kansas
Kansas Republican slams Kochs for trying to cripple state’s growing wind power industry (via Raw Story ) Friday night’s edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC took aim at billionaires Charles and David Koch and their efforts to block clean energy projects in Kansas and other states. Maddow began the segment by running down […]
Pakistan: CIA “Bin Laden” Unit’s Fake Vaccination Ploy Sparked Polio Crisis
(By Sarah Lazare) A Pakistani official on Thursday slammed the CIA's fake vaccination drive in 2011 for fueling distrust of polio eradication campaigns and driving "attacks on polio workers" as the country grapples with an outbreak of this highly infectious disease. Speaking to reporters at a press briefing, a spokesperson for Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign […]