Boko Haram attack kills hundreds as Nigeria offers reward for girls (via AFP) A new Boko Haram massacre has killed hundreds in Nigeria’s northeast, a senator said Wednesday, as police offered $300,000 dollars for information leading to the rescue of more than 200 schoolgirls held hostage by the Islamists. The latest insurgent… —– Channel […]
Climate Change in the U.S. in 8 Frightening Charts
By Brian Kahn Follow @blkahn The newly released National Climate Assessment spans 30 chapters with thousands of references on how climate change is impacting the U.S. The report took more than 300 scientists and 4 years to prepare, including addressing…
Muslim-haters Pam Geller & J. Farah Attack Spielberg, Liberal Jews as Appeasers
This liberal Jew is disgusted by the constant comparisons of Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler, of 2014 America to pre-Nazi Germany, and now, of liberal Jews to Nazi appeasers. Muslim-basher Pam Geller is outraged that Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation…
Emails suggest Google and the NSA are closer than we knew
reputation has been shaken by evidence to suggest its relationship with the US National Security Agency (NSA) is cosier than anyone thought. If emails obtained by Al Jazeera are to be believed, relations between Google chairman Eric Schmidt and NSA…
Is Fall of Homs a turning point in Regime’s Quest to Retake Syria?
(By Juan Cole) The Governor of Homs Province, Talal al-Barazi said Wednesday that 80 percent of the rebel fighters in that city have now been evacuated. It is expected that the rest will leave on Thursday. Around a thousand fighters had been holed up in the old city of Homs and have now left, with […]
Israeli Pres. Peres: Netanyahu blocked 2011 Peace Deal with Palestinians
Israel’s Peres says Netanyahu blocked 2011 peace deal (via AFP) Israeli President Shimon Peres said Tuesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blocked a 2011 peace agreement he had secretly negotiated with Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas. Peres said he and Abbas had finalised a draft agreement in a series of… ——- Related video added by […]
Rep. Paul Ryan targets Poor as his “Signature Issue”, and I do Mean Targets (Cartoon)
By Paul Jamiol, from Jamiol’s World
Rep. Louie Gohmert: Constitution only fit for Americans who ‘cling to God and guns’
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) recently asserted that the U.S. Constitution only applied to people “who cling to their God and their guns.” Speaking at a rally in Iowa for Republican Senate candidate Sam Clovis on Friday, Gohmert recalled that he had…
In Egypt, Industrial Scale Death Decrees
(By Amy Austin Holmes) A single judge in a single court in Egypt has sentenced more people to death this year than the total number of people who were executed last year in the rest of the world combined, with the exception of China. In 2013, at least 778 people were killed as a result […]