(By Alison Kysia) When I teach history related to Islam or Muslims in the United States, I begin by asking students what names they associate with these terms. The list is consistent year after year: Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, and Muhammad Ali. All of these individuals have affected U.S. history in significant ways. If we […]
Palestinians consider handing ‘keys’ back to Israel, ending Charade of “Peace Process”
(Via AFP) Palestinians mull handing territory ‘keys’ back to Israel (via AFP) Palestinian negotiators have warned they may pass responsiblity for their territory back to occupying power Israel if peace talks remain stalled, a senior Palestinian official said on Sunday. The official said the Palestinians told US peace envoy Martin… —– Related video: PressTV […]
Too Big to Jail? Why Kidnapping, Torture, Assassination, and Perjury Are No Longer Crimes in Washington
(By Tom Engelhardt via Tomdispatch.com) How the mighty have fallen. Once known as “Obama’s favorite general,” James Cartwright will soon don a prison uniform and, thanks to a plea deal, spend 13 months behind bars. Involved in setting up the earliest military cyberforce inside U.S. Strategic Command, which he led from 2004 to 2007, Cartwright […]
Obama and David Brooks’s Manhood Problem
(By Juan Cole) David Brooks attacked President Obama on Sunday, saying: “Basically since Yalta we’ve had an assumption that borders are basically going to be borders, and once that comes into question, if in Ukraine or in Crimea or anywhere else, then all over the world … all bets are off . . .” … […]
Saudi Arabia arrests Thinker for Encouraging Dissent!
(By Human Rights Watch) Saudi authorities have repeatedly harassed Abu al-Khair for his human rights work, and now they’ve suddenly jailed him without letting him notify his family. The authorities should free Abu al-Khair immediately and drop the charges against him. UPDATE: Samar Badawi, the wife of Waleed Abu al-Khair, said that authorities allowed him […]
Has Al Gore been Vindicated? The Former VP speaks out on Climate Menace In Hawaii
Al Gore On Climate Change Crisis (via Clean Technica) Originally published on Green Living Ideas. Former Vice President Al Gore delivered a powerful address to a packed house at the Stan Sheriff Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa this week. Environmentally, Gore is most famous, perhaps, for his… ——– UH Magazine: “Al […]
Pharrell’s “Happy” – Gaza Style
All we in the West ever hear about Gaza concerns the Hamas Party-Militia or the conflict between its Palestinians and the Israeli army. Some Gaza youth did a cover of Pharrell Williams’s “Happy” to show a different side of the 1.7 million people in the Gaza Strip: #Happy (#Gaza version) – #Pharrell Williams
25 Alarming Global Warming Facts (Video)
25 Alarming Global Warming Statistics
Despite being Barred from Jerusalem Easter is a Symbol of hope for Palestinians
(By Juan Cole) Palestinian Christians in the West Bank say that they have been denied permits to visit Jerusalem in record numbers this year, despite their living just over the green line not far from the holy city. Hanan Ashrawi, the prominent Palestinian human rights activist, maintained that Palestinians only received 30% to 40% of […]