(By Juan Cole) The late Peter O’Toole played T.E. Lawrence in David Lean’s 1963 “Lawrence of Arabia” with genius and abandon. All of us in my generation who went into Middle East studies were influenced by that film one way or another. Only later did it gradually become apparent to many of us how flawed […]
Dozens Killed by Regime Barrel Bombs in Aleppo, half of them Children
The Lebanese newspaper al-Nahar reports that the Syrian air force bombed Aleppo on Sunday with makeshift barrel bombs, killed at least 36 persons, including 15 children. They targeted neighborhoods controlled by rebels in the country’s largest city, in the north of the country. The Aleppo Information Center made up of activist citizen journalists said that […]
Is our Media Screwing us on Climate the Way it Did on Iraq?
Like The Iraq War, Media Fails To Report On Climate Change Accurately (via Clean Technica) Originally published on Skeptical Science. By Stephan Lewandowsky. “Iraq is developing a long-range ballistic missile system that could carry weapons of mass destruction up to 700 miles.” Iraq is progressing towards “dirty bombs that spew radioactivity… Related video: Eric […]
Why are Christian Militias never “Christian Extremists”?
(By Juan Cole) The dramatic events in the Central African Republic no doubt seem distant and complex for a North American audience. CAR is geographically as large as France, but with a population of only 4.5 million (similar to Lebanon or Costa Rica). It consists roughly of 25% Muslim, 25% Protestant Christian, 25% Catholic Christian, […]
Gaza: 5000 Palestinians evacuated from Flooded Homes, Israeli Blockade Hampers Rescue
(By Juan Cole) Several days of unseasonably cold weather and torrential rains have increased the misery in the already miserable Gaza Strip, where 1.7 million Palestinians are besieged and blockaded by the Israeli Occupation authorities. The government estimates that 7,000 families have been harmed (likely meaning 35,000 persons, most of them children). Because of flooding, […]
“Hallelujah” cover by Tunisian Folk Singer Emel Mathlouthi
Emel Mathlouthi covers Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” Mathlouthi has been an important voice of the ongoing Tunisian political upheavals provoked by leftist youth activism.
The Enigma of Israel and Solar Energy
(By Juan Cole) Israel ought to be a pioneer in solar energy. It is mostly sunny and the amount of energy it could realize from solar panels is enormous. It has a robust scientific and engineering establishment. Israel doesn’t have that much in the way of hydrocarbons. It has little oil, and its richest natural […]
US Drones Kill 15 in Yemen Wedding Convoy, mistaking them for al-Qaeda
CIA operators of US drones in Yemen mistook a wedding convoy for al-Qaeda on Friday, killing 15 persons and wounding many others. Some 10 were killed immediately and 5 more died from their wounds. Al-Quds al-`Arabi, a London-based daily, talked to a member of the wedding party, who said that it is impossible that the […]
Photo of the Day: Was St. Nicholas “White”?
(By Juan Cole) Fox News’s Megyn Kelly maintained this week that Santa Claus and Jesus are “white.” Russian icon of St. Nicholas of Myra on whom the figure of Santa Claus is based. Santa Claus is a Dutch corruption of Saint Nikolaos, a fourth-century saint from the Mediterranean coast of Anatolia in what is now […]