By Tom Engelhardt Col. Manners Answers Your Questions on the Etiquette of War, Nuclear Threats, and Surveillance By Colonel Manners (with a helping hand from Tom Engelhardt) [Editor’s Note: Many publications have advice columnists, but none has our old friend Colonel Manners (ret.), whose experience in military and surveillance matters is evident from his impressive […]
Feinstein & Rogers justify NSA Spying with Syrian Rebels (Voted to Arm Syrian Rebels)
Senator Diane Feinstein and Rep. Mike Rogers took to the airwaves on Sunday to warn that Americans are less safe than two years ago and that al-Qaeda is growing and spreading and that the US is menaced by bombs that can’t be detected by metal detectors. Call me cynical, but those two have been among […]
Photo of the Day: Palestinian Bedouin outside Jerusalem, 1930
from Elia Photo Service via Mashriq Note that when this picture was taken the British counted roughly a million Palestinians in British Mandate Palestine, scheduled to achieve statehood as Palestine when the British left. The British likely did not count the Bedouins in their statistics and probably under-counted the Palestinians in general. When the picture […]
Egyptian Constitution: Army Strengthened, Religious Parties Banned, Freedom of Belief, Speech Enshrined
Over half the articles of the proposed constitution for Egypt were approved by the “Committee of 50” on Saturday. The rest will be taken up on Sunday. The voting was on a majority vote basis, but in any case only rare articles attracted more than one or two “no” votes. This constitution replaces both the […]
Israel to Ethnically Cleanse 70,000 Palestinians in Massive Negev Land Grab
Determined to derail the US press for peace negotiations with the Palestinians, the far-right Likud government of Israel is moving ahead with among the biggest projects of ethnic cleansing in the sad history of the Palestinian people, who have been made homeless and stateless by relentless Zionist colonization of their land. World Bulletin reports: “World […]
Egypt: Military Regime arrests Dissident Ahmad Maher of April 6 Youth
Activist Ahmad Maher turned himself in to Egyptian police on Saturday. He and the April 6 organization played a major role in the 2011 revolution against Hosni Mubarak and went on to organize many protests insisting that the military should go to its barracks. He called for protests against the recently-passed Draconian anti-protest law, hence […]
Annual Informed Comment Fundraiser
You can really make a difference in independent media. Every contribution allows me to do more travel and work on this site.
Tamikrest, “Imanin bis Zihoun” (Tuareg Rock Band from Mali)
Tamikrest is a Tuareg rock band from Mali who sing for peace and reconciliation in that troubled country. They also just played at the annual Sahel Music Festival in the desert. Tamikrest plays Imanin bis Zihoun Channel 4 News interviews Tamikrest on the Mali troubles:
Thousands of Egyptians Protest Anti-Protest Law
On Friday, thousands of Egyptians protested Egypt’s Draconian anti-protest law. Most were Muslim Brothers, but leftists and liberals also rejected the law, which requires protesters to apply to police for permission to gather at least 3 days beforehand. Reuters reports: On Thursday, the dreaded state security police arrested famed blogger and activist Alaa Abdel Fattah […]