The food fight between the United States and the Russian Federation has revolved around relatively minor issues in the two countries’ relationship like whether Obama will have a summit with Putin in September (no), whether Russia would grant Edward Snowden asylum (yes), whether Americans can adopt Russian babies (no), whether the US would sanction Russian […]
Syrian Farmers Face Shortfall because of Fighting
The war in Syria is interfering in farmers’ ability to bring in the wheat and other crops. It is a sad Eid al-Fitr (the feast to mark the end of the fasting month of Ramadan) for millions of Syrians VOAnews reports: The World Food Program reports of one twice-displaced Syrian family made internally displaced persons: […]
Shameless: American Sanctions hit Ordinary Iranians’ Access to Medicine
American and European sanctions contribute to the difficulties ordinary Iranians in getting medicine and affording it. Channel 4 News reports The National Iranian American Council explains: ” NIAC Policy Memo: Why are U.S. sanctions blocking medicine for Iranians and how can we fix this? By: NIAC Staff Beginning in 2012, there have been widespread reports […]
Wall Street has a Cow as Town uses Eminent Domain to Help Homeowners avoid Foreclosure (Lazare)
Eminent Domain for the People Leaves Wall Street Furious Housing justice advocates hopeful about innovative Richmond plan to use public seizure laws to save underwater homes from foreclosure Sarah Lazare writes at Using the authority of state government to actually help people has Wall Street bankers in a panic, spurring threats of aggressive legal […]
Top Reasons John McCain and Lindsey Graham have no Credibility for Egypt Talks
Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham were apparently asked by President Obama to go to Egypt and try to mediate the conflict between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood. They are saying some of the right things while in Cairo. The problem is that they have no credibility on the issues involved. 1. […]
The Business of America is Spying on America (Engelhardt)
Tom Engelhardt writes at Hey, let’s talk spying! In Surveillance America, this land of spookery we all now inhabit, what else is there to talk about? Was there anyone growing up like me in the 1950s who didn’t know Revolutionary War hero and spy Nathan Hale’s last words before the British hanged him: “I […]
Top Ten Things that don’t Make Sense about NSA Surveillance, Drones and al-Qaeda
In a Reuters Exclusive, John Shiffman and Kristina Cooke reveal that the National Security Agency shares information it gleans from warrantless surveillance of Americans with the Special Operation Division of the Drug Enforcement Agency, which then uses the metadata to develop cases against US citizens. The DEA then routinely lies to the judge and defense […]
On Eve of “Peace Talks,” Israelis Subsidize their West Bank Colonies, build new Units
On the eve of resumption of peace talks between Israel and Palestine, the far right Israeli nationalist government of Binyamin Netanyahu attempted to torpedo them with a series of provocative announcements. it announced that it would steal 100 acres of land from Palestinian families and build 240 housing units on it. The the same government […]
America’s Drone Tally in Pakistan and Yemen for July (Serle and Ross)
Jack Serle and Alice K Ross write at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism The CIA killed more people in Pakistan per strike than at any point since July 2012. US drones return to Yemen‘s skies and al Qaeda confirms the death of its deputy leader. UN report finds indications of increased US and UK involvement […]