William deBuys writes at Tomdispatch.com: Several miles from Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, Arizona, April 2013 — Down here, at the bottom of the continent’s most spectacular canyon, the Colorado River growls past our sandy beach in a wet monotone. Our group of 24 is one week into a 225-mile, 18-day voyage on inflatable rafts from […]
Lest we Forget that Manning was Tortured before being Found not Guilty of Aiding the Enemy (America’s Bouazizi)
Breaking news: Firedog Lake reports that Bradley Manning has been found not guilty of aiding the enemy, a blow against the Obama administration’s repeated attempts to smear whistleblowers as traitors. The other charges against him could put him behind bars for 100 years. But just so it isn’t forgotten, Manning’s journey to sentencing has been […]
The 400: What they don’t want us to know about growing wealth inequality in America
Presdident Obama’s speech last week on the threat of growing income inequality in the US was generally blown off by the corporate media. The problem is not generally recognized or understood because Americans have a poor grasp of the actual situation (see video below) or of how much worse things have gotten over the past […]
Why US Media will focus on Pope’s ‘Gay’ Remarks but Ignore those on the Poor, Amazon Environment
Pope Francis comes across in the media as a person who cares for others, and his genial personality, it seems to me, allows him to restate conservative principles in ways that inspire hope in or do not alienate liberals. But liberals need to listen to him carefully to hear the unyielding steel in his voice. […]
Kenya turns to Geothermal Green Energy (Video)
Kenya is blessed with a great deal of hydroelectric power, but its electricity needs outstrip that source’s ability to supply them, a problem that will only grow worse in coming years. One green energy source to which Kenya is turning is geothermal. Because of the Rift Valley, East Africa has enormous geothermal potential. VOAnews reports: […]
Tunisia: Extremists Kill 9 Troops, Defiant Gov’t Sets Dec. 17 Elections
After days of demonstrations and turmoil, Prime Minister Ali Larayedh addressed the public in Tunisia on Monday. Despite calls that he resign in favor of a national unity government, he insisted that he will remain in office, and apparently there will be no major cabinet shuffle. He did make a concession in guaranteeing that new […]
Egyptian Backlash against Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi’s Call for foreign Intervention in Egypt
Maverick Muslim ‘televangelist’ Yusuf Qaradawi has provoked fury in many quarters of Egypt with his recent fatwas and statements on that country. Qaradawi is an Egyptian member of the Muslim Brotherhood who took refuge in Qatar and became a Qatari citizen during the period when the Brotherhood was banned in his country of birth. He […]
All Hell Breaks Loose in Libya
Over the weekend, all hell broke loose in Libya, in worrying ways that suggest that the government is entering new depths of paralysis and incompetence, and the terrorist cells based in Benghazi are making a play for genuine power. The assassination of a militant secularist nationalist in Benghazi just after the assassination of of a […]
Twitter Sexist Bullying: The Criado-Perez Case (Channel 4 Video)
“She led the successful campaign to put a woman’s image on the [British] £10 note – but feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez has found herself the victim of an abusive backlash.” Channel 4 News reports: