President Obama has spoken out on the Trayvon Martin case, saying that “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.” He spoke of how African-Americans are marked in US society as objects of special scrutiny, followed for no reason by security in department stores or reacted to with the body language of fear. He […]
Detroit’s Bankruptcy and America’s Future: Robots, Race, Globalization and the 1%
The big question is whether Detroit’s bankruptcy and likely further decline is a fluke or whether it tells us something about the dystopia that the United States is becoming. It seems to me that the city’s problems are the difficulties of the country as a whole, especially the issues of deindustrialization, robotification, structural unemployment, the […]
GOP to Poor American Kids: Silly wabbits, Food Stamps are for Corporations! (Jamiol Cartoon)
The GOP-dominated House of Representatives has stripped food stamps from the farm bill, while supporting subsidies to agricultural corporations and lower taxes on the rich. I mean, you expect representatives elected by corporate campaign funds to go to bat for the 1%. But they didn’t used to be so mean about it. h/t Paul Jamiol
Glenn Greenwald: Growing Backlash Against NSA Spying Shows Why U.S. Wants to Silence Edward Snowden
In an epic boxing match, we have in one corner 600 pound gorillas like Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), head of the House Intelligence Committee that is determined to abet spying on you in your bedroom, and in the other corner we have 98 pound weaklings like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald, who are without Rogers’s […]
Top Ten Ways Egypt Actually Does deeply Matter to the United States
A Pew poll shows that far fewer Americans are following events in Egypt closely now than in January-February 2011. Actually, about the same percentage are following it “fairly closely” as then (a quarter now versus 31% in 2011). The big fall-off is in people following events on the Nile “very closely,” which are only 15% […]
Obama Administration Facing Congressional Rebellion, Civil Suits over NSA Surveillance
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU, among other important civil society organizations, are suing the Federal government over the National Security Agency’s unconstitutional domestic surveillance. The administration is also facing House hearings on the issue. By the way, the argument made by Homeland Security and other such officials that the NSA’s domestic spying could […]
Guna People of Panama’s islands Flee rising Seas
The indigenous community of the Guna (Kuna) live on islands off Panama and along a narrow strip of its coast, in the province of Guna Yala (Kuna Yala). But global warming and sea level rise are threatening their lives on those islands, and those of Carti Sugdup (Gardi Sugdup) have decided that they have to […]
New Egyptian gov’t on being sworn in, Complains of Turkish Interference in Egyptian Affairs
Egypt’s appointed interim President Adly Mansour swore in a cabinet of 33 ministers on Tuesday, including 3 women, 7 members of the National Salvation Front, and 5 members of the previous, Hisham Qandil, government who agreed to stay on. The cabinet contains some of Egypt’s best economists, raising hopes that the country’s deep economic doldrums […]
How America has Failed African-American Youth, by the Numbers
At age 25, 7.5 percent of whites are high school dropouts. At age 25, 14.4 percent of African-Americans are high school dropouts By age 25, 30% of whites have earned a college Bachelor of Arts degree. About 14% of African-Americans have: Some 22 percent of American children under 18 live in households below the poverty […]