GE’s Brilliant wind turbines generate electricity more cheaply than coal or gas according to Clean Technica , and have battery storage for when the wind isn’t blowing: Here’s a well-done video on the technology: The Department of Energy issued a report in December finding that building out US wind power over the next two decades […]
US bugged EU offices, Collects 1/2 Billion German Internet & Phone Connections Monthly
Der Spiegel has two explosive stories on NSA spying from Edward Snowden’s leaked documents. The first is that the US has bugged the telephones and the computers of the European Union offices in Washington, D.C. It has had the ability to monitor all meetings there, as well as to see all emails and documents stored […]
Obama at Soweto University: New Generation of Africans taking its Place on World Stage
President Obama’s address at Soweto University, via Channel 4 News:
Duelling Demonstrations Divide Egypt over Morsi and Fundamentalism
Tens of thousands of leftist, liberal and centrist protesters gathered in Tahrir Square on Friday for “The Last Warning” aimed at President Muhammad Morsi of the Brotherhood. Morsi has ruled Egypt for the past year, after winning the presidential election in June of 2012. He has made a series of arrogant and polarizing policy decisions […]
Glenn Greenwald: Good journalism is measured by how angry you make the people you’re covering (Video)
Greenwald’s video appearance at the Socialism conference in Chicago (via We are Many:
Everything you wanted to Know About NSA Surveillance *but were afraid to ask (Stray)
Jonathan Stray writes at ProPublica: There have been a lot of news stories about NSA surveillance programs following the leaks of secret documents by Edward Snowden. But it seems the more we read, the less clear things are. We’ve put together a detailed snapshot of what’s known and what’s been reported where. What information does […]
Clashes in Egypt during Morsi protests
Egypt is beset today with dueling large protests for and against President Muhammad Morsi. In some places, as in Alexandria, they turned violent, and in the provinces a number of headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood have been occupied or burned. I’ll do a summary tonight. Channel 4 News has raw video of clashes
Seven things you can learn from Mandela’s Life (CNN Video)
CNN/Buzzfeed review the 7 things we can learn from the life of Nelson Mandela.
Top Ten Ways the Beltway Press will treat Gen. Cartwright differently from Snowden
NBC reports that Gen. James “Hoss” Cartwright is under investigation as the source for David Sanger’s 2012 New York Times article revealing that the United States is behind the Stuxnet computer virus, which was used to infect computers at Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facilities and at the Bushehr nuclear energy plants and delay their going […]