Lest we forget (from last summer): Brandon Bryant is haunted by his career as a drone contract killer for the US government. Drone operator: ‘I became a sociopath’, regrets 1626 assassinations.
I am Bradley Manning (celebrity video protesting treason charge)
The celebrity video ‘I am Bradley Manning: protests against the ‘aiding the enemy charge’ against leaker Manning, who is now being tried in a military court. The organization website is here.
Dear Jenny McCarthy and Bill McKibben: Coal Plants are causing Autism, Let’s Sue Them!
The situation comedy actress Jenny McCarthy has done great damage to public health by her wrong-headed thesis that vaccines cause autism. This is not true, as much research has confirmed. But now we have a scientific study that shows what really is causing the autism epidemic: exposure of the mother when she is pregnant to […]
Russia: Iran is ready to Cease Enriching Uranium to 20%
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov repeated in an interview with the Kuwaiti press on Tuesday an assertion he has made before, i.e. that Iran stands ready to cease enriching uranium to 19.75% for the purpose of fueling its medical reactor. This level of enrichment was forced on Iran when it ran out of enriched uranium […]
60% of Free Syria Army fighting for Islamic State: Channel 4 News
Channel 4 News interviews a journalist who has been with the Free Syria Army for the past 6 months on what motivates them. He says that 60% want an Islamic state. Inigo Gilmore interviews Bilal Abdul Karim:
Brazil Protests (In the Eye of the Storm Video)
Brazilians in the hundreds of thousands have been protesting the high cost of city bus tickets, diversion of government funds to international projects like the world cup, and ‘poor public services, police violence and government corruption.’ Michel De Souza’s video of events on the ground:
Why Cheney is the Traitor, and Why we Can’t Believe Obama on Safeguards (The Ultimate Clip of Gov’t Lies)
Dick Cheney on Monday called NSA leaker Edward Snowden a traitor, and Snowden shot back that given Cheney’s own lies about Iraq, it is an honor for any American to be accused of treason by the former vice president. On Monday evening, Barack Obama came on Charlie Rose and insisted that the NSA would never […]
Japan’s Feed-in Tariff Kicks off Explosive Renewables Growth (Video Report)
This video report argues that Japan’s introduction of feed-in tariffs has given a huge boost to its renewable energy market, and that India should follow suit. Infographic on feed-in tariffs, which are explained at this UK government site: India’s ANI multimedia reports: Japan’s growth in renewables has attracted have a billion dollars in investment recently […]
Syria, NSA Spying, Popular Mobilization and History: Cole Interview in La Prensa (Ricky Martinez)
Interview with Juan Cole by Ricky Martínez (These are the English notes of the interview rearranged in pyramid form; they were translated and published in a different sequence in Spanish at La Prensa of Panama City). Many thanks to Mr. Martinez for a wide-ranging conversation! RM: How is Syria different from Libya? Syria is different […]