Cora Currier writes at ProPublica In his first year in office, President Barack Obama pledged to “collect the facts” on the death of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Taliban prisoners of war at the hands of U.S.-allied Afghan forces in late 2001. Almost four years later, there’s no sign of progress. When asked by ProPublica about […]
Bradley Manning Trial aimed at Silencing Whistleblowers? (Democracy Now!)
Democracy Now! considers the Bradley Manning trial in the context of attempts to intimidate and punish government whistle blowers. That the world general reading public that can now see low-level cable traffic is depicted by government lawyers as the nefarious ‘enemy’ is a sign of this mindset. blurb: “The military trial of Army whistleblower Bradley […]
Speaking of Bad Storms (editorial cartoon on GOP by Paul Jamiol)
by Paul Jamiol courtesy Jamiol’s World
Turkey: It’s about the Right to be Different (Soysal)
Ayşe Soysal, in Istanbul, writes for ISLAMiCommentary : Ayse Soysal It was a ‘Wow!’ weekend indeed. My niece Elif, a college student, was one of the protesters in Taksim Square — the first time ever that she participated in a public protest. She was there for the environmental concerns she supports, and the protest movement […]
Woman in Red (Turkish Police Spray Tear Gas on Modern Young Protester)
(Courtesy Reuters) This young woman being teargassed at the Taksim protests in Istanbul has become an internet icon. Unveiled and bare-armed, she is clearly secular and modern. Many but not all of the supporters of Justice and Development Party Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan wear headscarves and dress modestly. But she is also just young, female, […]
Have we no Shame? Will Hunger Strikes and medical Torture finally close Guantanamo? (Hickman)
John Hickman, author of Selling Guantanamo, writes in a guest column for Informed Comment Curious isn’t it how the decision-making of the United States Government is also imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay? In a seemingly escape-proof blame game President Obama insists that the U.S. Congress prevents him from closing the prison while Congressional Republicans insist either […]
Police Brutality and Turkish Protests (Compilation Video)
Compilation video of police brutality in Turkish Gezi Park protests: As usual with grassroots Youtube videos, the authenticity of it cannot be independently verified from abraod.
Defiant Erdogan Risks Turkish Economy, as Unions enter the Fray
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is now risking Turkey’s economic miracle by his imperious reaction to the protests in dozens of cities that have roiled Turkey and are entering their fifth day. Two are dead and hundreds injured. The Turkish stock market, which had been up 300% since 2009, has taken a hit. The country’s […]
Syria as a Prisoner of Western History (Harms)
Gregory Harms writes in a guest op-ed for Informed Comment The influential Egyptian Islamist cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi recently issued a fatwa, or religious proclamation, with regard to Syria. The sheik called for Sunni Muslims throughout the Middle East to join the rebels in their fight against the regime in Damascus. Formerly an advocate of improved […]