UNICEF reminds us that Facebook ‘likes’ don’t save children’s lives– cash contributions do. Plus, it helps if the US Congress steps up. The Israel lobbies have been threatening congressional UNICEF funding over Palestine issues. Really, Congress? You think that would help Israel or its image?
Saudi Arabian hunter stalks desert Gazelle with pet Cheetah
Saudi Arabian man keeps cheetah as pet to help with hunting gazelle in the desert.
Top Ten Problems in South Carolina Lindsey Graham should worry more about than Benghazi
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) slammed President Obama for a deterioration in US security because, he said, of four Americans having been killed in Benghazi last September and then another four at the Boston Marathon. If we were not convinced that such allegations are mere political posturing, we’d have to think he is exhibiting signs of […]
Cargo Plane Crash at Bagram (Video)
Warning: some may find this footage disturbing. A cargo plane crashed Monday at Bagram air base in Afghanistan, killing all 7 passengers aboard (Americans). . This article says, “The Boeing 747-400 — owned by National Airlines, a Florida-based subsidiary of National Air Cargo — was en route to Dubai, carrying vehicles and other cargo.” The […]
The Failure of Gun Legislation in the Senate Tells us we Need to fight for our Democracy (Graeber)
David Graeber, author of The Democracy Project, writes in a guest column for “Informed Comment” The recent defeat of gun buyers’ background check legislation in the Senate—legislation backed by an almost unimaginable 90% of the American public—has been taken as a somber day in the history of American democracy. We’ve been having a lot of […]
Karzai admits taking CIA money; Galbraith: We’re not getting what we pay for
Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai on Monday confirmed an NYT report that he has been receiving cash payments in a paper bag every month from the US Central Intelligence Agency. Karzai maintained that the money actually goes to the director of national intelligence to be used for intelligence work, but the implication of the NYT article […]
How to Become an Expert in Iran’s Nuclear Program (in less than four minutes) (Video)
How to become an expert in Iran’s nuclear program (in less than four minutes): courtesy EA Worldview
Egypt: ” Muslim Brotherhood Seeking Revenge on the Judges” – Moussa
The Constitutional crisis in Egypt between the Muslim Brotherhood president, Muhammad Morsi, and the thousands of judges in the Egyptian judiciary, according to Amr Moussa, derives from a misplaced desire for revenge on the part of the Brotherhood. Under the regime of Hosni Mubarak, the Brotherhood was only semi-legal, and members were often imprisoned (Morsi […]
Drone Strikes are the Face of America to Yemenis: al-Muslimi
Alice K. Ross writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism ‘Drone strikes are the face of America to many Yemenis,’ Farea al-Muslimi told a rare US Senate hearing on targeted killing last week. The Yemeni journalist and activist gave emotive testimony at a Senate subcommittee about the impact of drone strikes and targeted killings on […]